- # Self-Hosted Healthchecks
- Healthchecks is open-source, and is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license.
- As an alternative to using the hosted service at
- [https://healthchecks.io](https://healthchecks.io), you have the option to host a
- Healthchecks instance yourself.
- The building blocks are:
- * Python 3.6+
- * Django 3
- * PostgreSQL or MySQL
- ## Setting Up for Development
- You can set up a development environment in a Python
- [virtual environment](https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/venv.html)
- on your local system to develop a new feature, write a new integration
- or test a bugfix.
- The following instructions assume you are using a Debian-based OS.
- * Install dependencies:
- $ sudo apt-get update
- $ sudo apt-get install -y gcc python3-dev python3-venv
- * Prepare directory for project code and virtualenv. Feel free to use a
- different location:
- $ mkdir -p ~/webapps
- $ cd ~/webapps
- * Prepare virtual environment
- (with virtualenv you get pip, we'll use it soon to install requirements):
- $ python3 -m venv hc-venv
- $ source hc-venv/bin/activate
- * Check out project code:
- $ git clone https://github.com/healthchecks/healthchecks.git
- * Install requirements (Django, ...) into virtualenv:
- $ pip install wheel
- $ pip install -r healthchecks/requirements.txt
- * Create database tables and a superuser account:
- $ cd ~/webapps/healthchecks
- $ ./manage.py migrate
- $ ./manage.py createsuperuser
- With the default configuration, Healthchecks stores data in a SQLite file
- `hc.sqlite` in the project directory (`~/webapps/healthchecks/`).
- * Run tests:
- $ ./manage.py test
- * Run development server:
- $ ./manage.py runserver
- * From another shell, run the `sendalerts` management command, responsible for
- sending out notifications:
- $ ./manage.py sendalerts
- At this point, the site should now be running at `http://localhost:8000`.
- ## Accessing Administration Panel
- Healthchecks comes with Django's administration panel where you can manually
- view and modify user accounts, projects, checks, integrations etc. To access it,
- if you haven't already, create a superuser account:
- $ ./manage.py createsuperuser
- Then, log into the site using the superuser credentials. Once logged in,
- click on the "Account" dropdown in top navigation, and select "Site Administration".
- ## Sending Emails
- Healthchecks needs SMTP credentials to be able to send emails:
- login links, monitoring notifications, monthly reports.
- Specify SMTP credentials using the `EMAIL_HOST`, `EMAIL_PORT`, `EMAIL_HOST_USER`,
- `EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD`, and `EMAIL_USE_TLS` environment variables. Example:
- ```ini
- EMAIL_HOST=my-smtp-server-here.com
- EMAIL_HOST_USER=my-username
- ```
- You can read more about handling outbound email in the Django documentation,
- [Sending Email](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/topics/email/) section.
- ## Receiving Emails
- Healthchecks comes with a `smtpd` management command, which starts up a
- SMTP listener service. With the command running, you can ping your
- checks by sending email messages.
- Start the SMTP listener on port 2525:
- $ ./manage.py smtpd --port 2525
- Send a test email:
- $ curl --url 'smtp://' \
- --mail-from '[email protected]' \
- --mail-rcpt '[email protected]' \
- -F '='
- ## Sending Status Notifications
- The `sendalerts` management command continuously polls the database for any checks
- changing state, and sends out notifications as needed.
- When `sendalerts` is not running, the Healthchecks instance will not send out any
- alerts.
- Within an activated virtualenv, run the `sendalerts` command like so:
- $ ./manage.py sendalerts
- In a production setup, make sure the `sendalerts` command can survive
- server restarts.
- ## Database Cleanup
- With time and use the Healthchecks database will grow in size. You may
- decide to prune old data: inactive user accounts, old checks not assigned
- to users, old records of outgoing email messages and old records of received pings.
- There are separate Django management commands for each task:
- Remove old records from the `api_ping` table. For each check, keep 100 most
- recent pings:
- $ ./manage.py prunepings
- Remove old records of sent notifications. For each check, remove notifications that
- are older than the oldest stored ping for the corresponding check.
- $ ./manage.py prunenotifications
- Remove inactive user accounts:
- ```bash
- $ ./manage.py pruneusers
- ```
- Remove old records from the `api_tokenbucket` table. The TokenBucket
- model is used for rate-limiting login attempts and similar operations.
- Any records older than one day can be safely removed.
- $ ./manage.py prunetokenbucket
- Remove old records from the `api_flip` table. The Flip objects are used to track
- status changes of checks, and to calculate downtime statistics month by month.
- Flip objects from more than 3 months ago are not used and can be safely removed.
- $ ./manage.py pruneflips
- When you first try these commands on your data, it is a good idea to
- test them on a copy of your database, and not on the live system.
- In a production setup, you will want to run these commands regularly, as well as
- have regular, automatic database backups set up.
- ## Next Steps
- Get the [source code](https://github.com/healthchecks/healthchecks).
- See [Configuration](../self_hosted_configuration/) for a list of configuration options.