- # coding: utf-8
- from datetime import timedelta as td
- import json
- from unittest.mock import patch
- from django.utils.timezone import now
- from hc.api.models import Channel, Check, Notification
- from hc.test import BaseTestCase
- from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError, Timeout
- from django.test.utils import override_settings
- class NotifyWebhookTestCase(BaseTestCase):
- def _setup_data(self, value, status="down", email_verified=True):
- self.check = Check(project=self.project)
- self.check.status = status
- self.check.last_ping = now() - td(minutes=61)
- self.check.save()
- self.channel = Channel(project=self.project)
- self.channel.kind = "webhook"
- self.channel.value = value
- self.channel.email_verified = email_verified
- self.channel.save()
- self.channel.checks.add(self.check)
- @patch("hc.api.transports.requests.request")
- def test_webhook(self, mock_get):
- definition = {
- "method_down": "GET",
- "url_down": "http://example",
- "body_down": "",
- "headers_down": {},
- }
- self._setup_data(json.dumps(definition))
- mock_get.return_value.status_code = 200
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- mock_get.assert_called_with(
- "get",
- "http://example",
- headers={"User-Agent": "healthchecks.io"},
- timeout=5,
- )
- @patch("hc.api.transports.requests.request", side_effect=Timeout)
- def test_webhooks_handle_timeouts(self, mock_get):
- definition = {
- "method_down": "GET",
- "url_down": "http://example",
- "body_down": "",
- "headers_down": {},
- }
- self._setup_data(json.dumps(definition))
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- # The transport should have retried 3 times
- self.assertEqual(mock_get.call_count, 3)
- n = Notification.objects.get()
- self.assertEqual(n.error, "Connection timed out")
- self.channel.refresh_from_db()
- self.assertEqual(self.channel.last_error, "Connection timed out")
- @patch("hc.api.transports.requests.request", side_effect=ConnectionError)
- def test_webhooks_handle_connection_errors(self, mock_get):
- definition = {
- "method_down": "GET",
- "url_down": "http://example",
- "body_down": "",
- "headers_down": {},
- }
- self._setup_data(json.dumps(definition))
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- # The transport should have retried 3 times
- self.assertEqual(mock_get.call_count, 3)
- n = Notification.objects.get()
- self.assertEqual(n.error, "Connection failed")
- @patch("hc.api.transports.requests.request")
- def test_webhooks_handle_500(self, mock_get):
- definition = {
- "method_down": "GET",
- "url_down": "http://example",
- "body_down": "",
- "headers_down": {},
- }
- self._setup_data(json.dumps(definition))
- mock_get.return_value.status_code = 500
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- # The transport should have retried 3 times
- self.assertEqual(mock_get.call_count, 3)
- n = Notification.objects.get()
- self.assertEqual(n.error, "Received status code 500")
- @patch("hc.api.transports.requests.request", side_effect=Timeout)
- def test_webhooks_dont_retry_when_sending_test_notifications(self, mock_get):
- definition = {
- "method_down": "GET",
- "url_down": "http://example",
- "body_down": "",
- "headers_down": {},
- }
- self._setup_data(json.dumps(definition))
- self.channel.notify(self.check, is_test=True)
- # is_test flag is set, the transport should not retry:
- self.assertEqual(mock_get.call_count, 1)
- n = Notification.objects.get()
- self.assertEqual(n.error, "Connection timed out")
- @patch("hc.api.transports.requests.request")
- def test_webhooks_support_variables(self, mock_get):
- definition = {
- "method_down": "GET",
- "url_down": "http://host/$CODE/$STATUS/$TAG1/$TAG2/?name=$NAME",
- "body_down": "",
- "headers_down": {},
- }
- self._setup_data(json.dumps(definition))
- self.check.name = "Hello World"
- self.check.tags = "foo bar"
- self.check.save()
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- url = "http://host/%s/down/foo/bar/?name=Hello%%20World" % self.check.code
- args, kwargs = mock_get.call_args
- self.assertEqual(args[0], "get")
- self.assertEqual(args[1], url)
- self.assertEqual(kwargs["headers"], {"User-Agent": "healthchecks.io"})
- self.assertEqual(kwargs["timeout"], 5)
- @patch("hc.api.transports.requests.request")
- def test_webhooks_handle_variable_variables(self, mock_get):
- definition = {
- "method_down": "GET",
- "url_down": "http://host/$$NAMETAG1",
- "body_down": "",
- "headers_down": {},
- }
- self._setup_data(json.dumps(definition))
- self.check.tags = "foo bar"
- self.check.save()
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- # $$NAMETAG1 should *not* get transformed to "foo"
- args, kwargs = mock_get.call_args
- self.assertEqual(args[1], "http://host/$TAG1")
- @patch("hc.api.transports.requests.request")
- def test_webhooks_support_post(self, mock_request):
- definition = {
- "method_down": "POST",
- "url_down": "http://example.com",
- "body_down": "The Time Is $NOW",
- "headers_down": {},
- }
- self._setup_data(json.dumps(definition))
- self.check.save()
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- args, kwargs = mock_request.call_args
- self.assertEqual(args[0], "post")
- self.assertEqual(args[1], "http://example.com")
- # spaces should not have been urlencoded:
- payload = kwargs["data"].decode()
- self.assertTrue(payload.startswith("The Time Is 2"))
- @patch("hc.api.transports.requests.request")
- def test_webhooks_dollarsign_escaping(self, mock_get):
- # If name or tag contains what looks like a variable reference,
- # that should be left alone:
- definition = {
- "method_down": "GET",
- "url_down": "http://host/$NAME",
- "body_down": "",
- "headers_down": {},
- }
- self._setup_data(json.dumps(definition))
- self.check.name = "$TAG1"
- self.check.tags = "foo"
- self.check.save()
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- url = "http://host/%24TAG1"
- mock_get.assert_called_with(
- "get", url, headers={"User-Agent": "healthchecks.io"}, timeout=5
- )
- @patch("hc.api.transports.requests.request")
- def test_webhooks_handle_up_events(self, mock_get):
- definition = {
- "method_up": "GET",
- "url_up": "http://bar",
- "body_up": "",
- "headers_up": {},
- }
- self._setup_data(json.dumps(definition), status="up")
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- mock_get.assert_called_with(
- "get", "http://bar", headers={"User-Agent": "healthchecks.io"}, timeout=5
- )
- @patch("hc.api.transports.requests.request")
- def test_webhooks_handle_noop_up_events(self, mock_get):
- definition = {
- "method_up": "GET",
- "url_up": "",
- "body_up": "",
- "headers_up": {},
- }
- self._setup_data(json.dumps(definition), status="up")
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- self.assertFalse(mock_get.called)
- self.assertEqual(Notification.objects.count(), 0)
- @patch("hc.api.transports.requests.request")
- def test_webhooks_handle_unicode_post_body(self, mock_request):
- definition = {
- "method_down": "POST",
- "url_down": "http://foo.com",
- "body_down": "(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻",
- "headers_down": {},
- }
- self._setup_data(json.dumps(definition))
- self.check.save()
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- args, kwargs = mock_request.call_args
- # unicode should be encoded into utf-8
- self.assertIsInstance(kwargs["data"], bytes)
- @patch("hc.api.transports.requests.request")
- def test_webhooks_handle_post_headers(self, mock_request):
- definition = {
- "method_down": "POST",
- "url_down": "http://foo.com",
- "body_down": "data",
- "headers_down": {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
- }
- self._setup_data(json.dumps(definition))
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- headers = {"User-Agent": "healthchecks.io", "Content-Type": "application/json"}
- mock_request.assert_called_with(
- "post", "http://foo.com", data=b"data", headers=headers, timeout=5
- )
- @patch("hc.api.transports.requests.request")
- def test_webhooks_handle_get_headers(self, mock_request):
- definition = {
- "method_down": "GET",
- "url_down": "http://foo.com",
- "body_down": "",
- "headers_down": {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
- }
- self._setup_data(json.dumps(definition))
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- headers = {"User-Agent": "healthchecks.io", "Content-Type": "application/json"}
- mock_request.assert_called_with(
- "get", "http://foo.com", headers=headers, timeout=5
- )
- @patch("hc.api.transports.requests.request")
- def test_webhooks_allow_user_agent_override(self, mock_request):
- definition = {
- "method_down": "GET",
- "url_down": "http://foo.com",
- "body_down": "",
- "headers_down": {"User-Agent": "My-Agent"},
- }
- self._setup_data(json.dumps(definition))
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- headers = {"User-Agent": "My-Agent"}
- mock_request.assert_called_with(
- "get", "http://foo.com", headers=headers, timeout=5
- )
- @patch("hc.api.transports.requests.request")
- def test_webhooks_support_variables_in_headers(self, mock_request):
- definition = {
- "method_down": "GET",
- "url_down": "http://foo.com",
- "body_down": "",
- "headers_down": {"X-Message": "$NAME is DOWN"},
- }
- self._setup_data(json.dumps(definition))
- self.check.name = "Foo"
- self.check.save()
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- headers = {"User-Agent": "healthchecks.io", "X-Message": "Foo is DOWN"}
- mock_request.assert_called_with(
- "get", "http://foo.com", headers=headers, timeout=5
- )
- @override_settings(WEBHOOKS_ENABLED=False)
- def test_it_requires_webhooks_enabled(self):
- definition = {
- "method_down": "GET",
- "url_down": "http://example",
- "body_down": "",
- "headers_down": {},
- }
- self._setup_data(json.dumps(definition))
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- n = Notification.objects.get()
- self.assertEqual(n.error, "Webhook notifications are not enabled.")