- # coding: utf-8
- from datetime import timedelta as td
- import json
- from django.core import mail
- from django.utils.timezone import now
- from hc.api.models import Channel, Check, Notification, Ping
- from hc.test import BaseTestCase
- class NotifyEmailTestCase(BaseTestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super().setUp()
- self.check = Check(project=self.project)
- self.check.name = "Daily Backup"
- self.check.desc = "Line 1\nLine2"
- self.check.tags = "foo bar"
- self.check.status = "down"
- self.check.last_ping = now() - td(minutes=61)
- self.check.n_pings = 112233
- self.check.save()
- self.ping = Ping(owner=self.check)
- self.ping.remote_addr = ""
- self.ping.body = "Body Line 1\nBody Line 2"
- self.ping.save()
- self.channel = Channel(project=self.project)
- self.channel.kind = "email"
- self.channel.value = "[email protected]"
- self.channel.email_verified = True
- self.channel.save()
- self.channel.checks.add(self.check)
- def test_email(self):
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- n = Notification.objects.get()
- self.assertEqual(n.error, "")
- # And email should have been sent
- self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 1)
- email = mail.outbox[0]
- self.assertEqual(email.to[0], "[email protected]")
- self.assertTrue("X-Status-Url" in email.extra_headers)
- self.assertTrue("List-Unsubscribe" in email.extra_headers)
- self.assertTrue("List-Unsubscribe-Post" in email.extra_headers)
- html = email.alternatives[0][0]
- self.assertIn("Daily Backup", html)
- self.assertIn("Line 1<br>Line2", html)
- self.assertIn("Alices Project", html)
- self.assertIn("foo</code>", html)
- self.assertIn("bar</code>", html)
- self.assertIn("1 day", html)
- self.assertIn("from", html)
- self.assertIn("112233", html)
- self.assertIn("Body Line 1<br>Body Line 2", html)
- # Check's code must not be in the html
- self.assertNotIn(str(self.check.code), html)
- # Check's code must not be in the plain text body
- self.assertNotIn(str(self.check.code), email.body)
- def test_it_shows_cron_schedule(self):
- self.check.kind = "cron"
- self.check.schedule = "0 18-23,0-8 * * *"
- self.check.save()
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- email = mail.outbox[0]
- html = email.alternatives[0][0]
- self.assertIn("<code>0 18-23,0-8 * * *</code>", html)
- def test_it_truncates_long_body(self):
- self.ping.body = "X" * 10000 + ", and the rest gets cut off"
- self.ping.save()
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- email = mail.outbox[0]
- html = email.alternatives[0][0]
- self.assertIn("[truncated]", html)
- self.assertNotIn("the rest gets cut off", html)
- def test_it_handles_missing_ping_object(self):
- self.ping.delete()
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- email = mail.outbox[0]
- html = email.alternatives[0][0]
- self.assertIn("Daily Backup", html)
- def test_it_handles_missing_profile(self):
- self.channel.value = "[email protected]"
- self.channel.save()
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- email = mail.outbox[0]
- self.assertEqual(email.to[0], "[email protected]")
- html = email.alternatives[0][0]
- self.assertIn("Daily Backup", html)
- self.assertNotIn("Projects Overview", html)
- def test_email_transport_handles_json_value(self):
- payload = {"value": "[email protected]", "up": True, "down": True}
- self.channel.value = json.dumps(payload)
- self.channel.save()
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- # And email should have been sent
- self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 1)
- email = mail.outbox[0]
- self.assertEqual(email.to[0], "[email protected]")
- def test_it_reports_unverified_email(self):
- self.channel.email_verified = False
- self.channel.save()
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- # If an email is not verified, it should say so in the notification:
- n = Notification.objects.get()
- self.assertEqual(n.error, "Email not verified")
- def test_email_checks_up_down_flags(self):
- payload = {"value": "[email protected]", "up": True, "down": False}
- self.channel.value = json.dumps(payload)
- self.channel.save()
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- # This channel should not notify on "down" events:
- self.assertEqual(Notification.objects.count(), 0)
- self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 0)
- def test_email_handles_amperstand(self):
- self.check.name = "Foo & Bar"
- self.check.save()
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- email = mail.outbox[0]
- self.assertEqual(email.subject, "DOWN | Foo & Bar")