- from mock import patch
- from hc.payments.models import Subscription
- from hc.test import BaseTestCase
- class SetPlanTestCase(BaseTestCase):
- def _setup_mock(self, mock):
- """ Set up Braintree calls that the controller will use. """
- mock.Subscription.create.return_value.is_success = True
- mock.Subscription.create.return_value.subscription.id = "t-sub-id"
- def run_set_plan(self, plan_id="P20"):
- form = {"plan_id": plan_id}
- self.client.login(username="[email protected]", password="password")
- return self.client.post("/pricing/set_plan/", form, follow=True)
- @patch("hc.payments.models.braintree")
- def test_it_works(self, mock):
- self._setup_mock(mock)
- self.profile.sms_limit = 0
- self.profile.sms_sent = 1
- self.profile.save()
- r = self.run_set_plan()
- self.assertRedirects(r, "/accounts/profile/billing/")
- # Subscription should be filled out:
- sub = Subscription.objects.get(user=self.alice)
- self.assertEqual(sub.subscription_id, "t-sub-id")
- self.assertEqual(sub.plan_id, "P20")
- self.assertEqual(sub.plan_name, "Business ($20 / month)")
- # User's profile should have a higher limits
- self.profile.refresh_from_db()
- self.assertEqual(self.profile.ping_log_limit, 1000)
- self.assertEqual(self.profile.check_limit, 100)
- self.assertEqual(self.profile.team_limit, 9)
- self.assertEqual(self.profile.sms_limit, 50)
- self.assertEqual(self.profile.sms_sent, 0)
- # braintree.Subscription.cancel should have not been called
- assert not mock.Subscription.cancel.called
- @patch("hc.payments.models.braintree")
- def test_yearly_works(self, mock):
- self._setup_mock(mock)
- self.profile.sms_limit = 0
- self.profile.sms_sent = 1
- self.profile.save()
- r = self.run_set_plan("Y192")
- self.assertRedirects(r, "/accounts/profile/billing/")
- # Subscription should be filled out:
- sub = Subscription.objects.get(user=self.alice)
- self.assertEqual(sub.subscription_id, "t-sub-id")
- self.assertEqual(sub.plan_id, "Y192")
- self.assertEqual(sub.plan_name, "Business ($192 / year)")
- # User's profile should have a higher limits
- self.profile.refresh_from_db()
- self.assertEqual(self.profile.ping_log_limit, 1000)
- self.assertEqual(self.profile.check_limit, 100)
- self.assertEqual(self.profile.team_limit, 9)
- self.assertEqual(self.profile.sms_limit, 50)
- self.assertEqual(self.profile.sms_sent, 0)
- # braintree.Subscription.cancel should have not been called
- assert not mock.Subscription.cancel.called
- @patch("hc.payments.models.braintree")
- def test_plus_works(self, mock):
- self._setup_mock(mock)
- self.profile.sms_limit = 0
- self.profile.sms_sent = 1
- self.profile.save()
- r = self.run_set_plan("P80")
- self.assertRedirects(r, "/accounts/profile/billing/")
- # Subscription should be filled out:
- sub = Subscription.objects.get(user=self.alice)
- self.assertEqual(sub.subscription_id, "t-sub-id")
- self.assertEqual(sub.plan_id, "P80")
- self.assertEqual(sub.plan_name, "Business Plus ($80 / month)")
- # User's profile should have a higher limits
- self.profile.refresh_from_db()
- self.assertEqual(self.profile.ping_log_limit, 1000)
- self.assertEqual(self.profile.check_limit, 1000)
- self.assertEqual(self.profile.team_limit, 500)
- self.assertEqual(self.profile.sms_limit, 500)
- self.assertEqual(self.profile.sms_sent, 0)
- # braintree.Subscription.cancel should have not been called
- assert not mock.Subscription.cancel.called
- @patch("hc.payments.models.braintree")
- def test_it_cancels(self, mock):
- self._setup_mock(mock)
- self.sub = Subscription(user=self.alice)
- self.sub.subscription_id = "test-id"
- self.sub.plan_id = "P20"
- self.sub.save()
- self.profile.sms_limit = 1
- self.profile.sms_sent = 1
- self.profile.save()
- r = self.run_set_plan("")
- self.assertRedirects(r, "/accounts/profile/billing/")
- # Subscription should be cleared
- sub = Subscription.objects.get(user=self.alice)
- self.assertEqual(sub.subscription_id, "")
- self.assertEqual(sub.plan_id, "")
- # User's profile should have standard limits
- self.profile.refresh_from_db()
- self.assertEqual(self.profile.ping_log_limit, 100)
- self.assertEqual(self.profile.check_limit, 20)
- self.assertEqual(self.profile.team_limit, 2)
- self.assertEqual(self.profile.sms_limit, 0)
- assert mock.Subscription.cancel.called
- def test_bad_plan_id(self):
- r = self.run_set_plan(plan_id="this-is-wrong")
- self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 400)
- @patch("hc.payments.models.braintree")
- def test_it_cancels_previous_subscription(self, mock):
- self._setup_mock(mock)
- sub = Subscription(user=self.alice)
- sub.subscription_id = "prev-sub"
- sub.save()
- r = self.run_set_plan()
- self.assertRedirects(r, "/accounts/profile/billing/")
- assert mock.Subscription.cancel.called
- @patch("hc.payments.models.braintree")
- def test_subscription_creation_failure(self, mock):
- self._setup_mock(mock)
- mock.Subscription.create.return_value.is_success = False
- mock.Subscription.create.return_value.message = "sub failure"
- r = self.run_set_plan()
- self.assertRedirects(r, "/accounts/profile/billing/")
- self.assertContains(r, "sub failure")