- # coding: utf-8
- from datetime import timedelta as td
- from unittest.mock import patch
- from django.utils.timezone import now
- from hc.api.models import Channel, Check, Notification
- from hc.test import BaseTestCase
- from django.test.utils import override_settings
- class NotifyTestCase(BaseTestCase):
- def _setup_data(self, value, status="down", email_verified=True):
- self.check = Check(project=self.project)
- self.check.status = status
- self.check.last_ping = now() - td(minutes=61)
- self.check.save()
- self.channel = Channel(project=self.project)
- self.channel.kind = "msteams"
- self.channel.value = value
- self.channel.email_verified = email_verified
- self.channel.save()
- self.channel.checks.add(self.check)
- @patch("hc.api.transports.requests.request")
- def test_msteams(self, mock_post):
- self._setup_data("http://example.com/webhook")
- mock_post.return_value.status_code = 200
- self.check.name = "_underscores_ & more"
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- assert Notification.objects.count() == 1
- args, kwargs = mock_post.call_args
- payload = kwargs["json"]
- self.assertEqual(payload["@type"], "MessageCard")
- # summary and title should be the same, except
- # title should have any special HTML characters escaped
- self.assertEqual(payload["summary"], "“_underscores_ & more” is DOWN.")
- self.assertEqual(payload["title"], "“_underscores_ & more” is DOWN.")
- @patch("hc.api.transports.requests.request")
- def test_msteams_escapes_html_and_markdown_in_desc(self, mock_post):
- self._setup_data("http://example.com/webhook")
- mock_post.return_value.status_code = 200
- self.check.desc = """
- TEST _underscore_ `backticks` <u>underline</u> \\backslash\\ "quoted"
- """
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- args, kwargs = mock_post.call_args
- text = kwargs["json"]["sections"][0]["text"]
- self.assertIn(r"\_underscore\_", text)
- self.assertIn(r"\`backticks\`", text)
- self.assertIn("<u>underline</u>", text)
- self.assertIn(r"\\backslash\\ ", text)
- self.assertIn(""quoted"", text)
- @override_settings(MSTEAMS_ENABLED=False)
- def test_it_requires_msteams_enabled(self):
- self._setup_data("http://example.com/webhook")
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- n = Notification.objects.get()
- self.assertEqual(n.error, "MS Teams notifications are not enabled.")