- import time
- from unittest.mock import patch
- from django.core.signing import TimestampSigner
- from hc.api.models import Channel
- from hc.test import BaseTestCase
- class UnsubscribeEmailTestCase(BaseTestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super().setUp()
- self.channel = Channel(project=self.project, kind="email")
- self.channel.value = "[email protected]"
- self.channel.save()
- def test_it_serves_confirmation_form(self):
- token = self.channel.make_token()
- url = "/integrations/%s/unsub/%s/" % (self.channel.code, token)
- r = self.client.get(url)
- self.assertContains(r, "Please press the button below")
- self.assertNotContains(r, "submit()")
- def test_post_unsubscribes(self):
- token = self.channel.make_token()
- url = "/integrations/%s/unsub/%s/" % (self.channel.code, token)
- r = self.client.post(url)
- self.assertContains(r, "has been unsubscribed", status_code=200)
- q = Channel.objects.filter(code=self.channel.code)
- self.assertEqual(q.count(), 0)
- def test_fresh_signature_does_not_autosubmit(self):
- signer = TimestampSigner(salt="alerts")
- signed_token = signer.sign(self.channel.make_token())
- url = "/integrations/%s/unsub/%s/" % (self.channel.code, signed_token)
- r = self.client.get(url)
- self.assertContains(
- r, "Please press the button below to unsubscribe", status_code=200
- )
- self.assertNotContains(r, "submit()", status_code=200)
- def test_aged_signature_does_autosubmit(self):
- with patch("django.core.signing.time") as mock_time:
- mock_time.time.return_value = time.time() - 301
- signer = TimestampSigner(salt="alerts")
- signed_token = signer.sign(self.channel.make_token())
- url = "/integrations/%s/unsub/%s/" % (self.channel.code, signed_token)
- r = self.client.get(url)
- self.assertContains(
- r, "Please press the button below to unsubscribe", status_code=200
- )
- self.assertContains(r, "submit()", status_code=200)
- def test_it_checks_signature(self):
- signed_token = self.channel.make_token() + ":bad:signature"
- url = "/integrations/%s/unsub/%s/" % (self.channel.code, signed_token)
- r = self.client.get(url)
- self.assertContains(r, "link you just used is incorrect", status_code=200)
- def test_it_checks_token(self):
- url = "/integrations/%s/unsub/faketoken/" % self.channel.code
- r = self.client.get(url)
- self.assertContains(r, "link you just used is incorrect", status_code=200)
- def test_it_checks_channel_kind(self):
- self.channel.kind = "webhook"
- self.channel.save()
- token = self.channel.make_token()
- url = "/integrations/%s/unsub/%s/" % (self.channel.code, token)
- r = self.client.get(url)
- self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 404)