- import logging
- import time
- from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
- from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
- from django.db import connection
- from django.utils import timezone
- from hc.api.models import Check
- executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10)
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- class Command(BaseCommand):
- help = 'Sends UP/DOWN email alerts'
- def handle_many(self):
- """ Send alerts for many checks simultaneously. """
- query = Check.objects.filter(user__isnull=False).select_related("user")
- now = timezone.now()
- going_down = query.filter(alert_after__lt=now, status="up")
- going_up = query.filter(alert_after__gt=now, status="down")
- # Don't combine this in one query so Postgres can query using index:
- checks = list(going_down.iterator()) + list(going_up.iterator())
- if not checks:
- return False
- futures = [executor.submit(self.handle_one, check) for check in checks]
- for future in futures:
- future.result()
- return True
- def handle_one(self, check):
- """ Send an alert for a single check.
- Return True if an appropriate check was selected and processed.
- Return False if no checks need to be processed.
- """
- # Save the new status. If sendalerts crashes,
- # it won't process this check again.
- check.status = check.get_status()
- check.save()
- tmpl = "\nSending alert, status=%s, code=%s\n"
- self.stdout.write(tmpl % (check.status, check.code))
- errors = check.send_alert()
- for ch, error in errors:
- self.stdout.write("ERROR: %s %s %s\n" % (ch.kind, ch.value, error))
- connection.close()
- return True
- def handle(self, *args, **options):
- self.stdout.write("sendalerts starts up")
- ticks = 0
- while True:
- if self.handle_many():
- ticks = 0
- else:
- ticks += 1
- time.sleep(1)
- if ticks % 60 == 0:
- formatted = timezone.now().isoformat()
- self.stdout.write("-- MARK %s --" % formatted)