- from unittest.mock import patch
- from django.test.utils import override_settings
- from hc.test import BaseTestCase
- from hc.accounts.models import Credential
- @override_settings(RP_ID="testserver")
- class AddWebauthnTestCase(BaseTestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super().setUp()
- self.url = "/accounts/two_factor/webauthn/"
- def test_it_requires_sudo_mode(self):
- self.client.login(username="[email protected]", password="password")
- r = self.client.get(self.url)
- self.assertContains(r, "We have sent a confirmation code")
- @override_settings(RP_ID=None)
- def test_it_requires_rp_id(self):
- self.client.login(username="[email protected]", password="password")
- self.set_sudo_flag()
- r = self.client.get(self.url)
- self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 404)
- def test_it_shows_form(self):
- self.client.login(username="[email protected]", password="password")
- self.set_sudo_flag()
- r = self.client.get(self.url)
- self.assertContains(r, "Add Security Key")
- # It should put a "state" key in the session:
- self.assertIn("state", self.client.session)
- @patch("hc.accounts.views._get_credential_data")
- def test_it_adds_credential(self, mock_get_credential_data):
- mock_get_credential_data.return_value = b"dummy-credential-data"
- self.client.login(username="[email protected]", password="password")
- self.set_sudo_flag()
- payload = {
- "name": "My New Key",
- "client_data_json": "e30=",
- "attestation_object": "e30=",
- }
- r = self.client.post(self.url, payload, follow=True)
- self.assertRedirects(r, "/accounts/profile/")
- self.assertContains(r, "Added security key <strong>My New Key</strong>")
- c = Credential.objects.get()
- self.assertEqual(c.name, "My New Key")
- def test_it_rejects_bad_base64(self):
- self.client.login(username="[email protected]", password="password")
- self.set_sudo_flag()
- payload = {
- "name": "My New Key",
- "client_data_json": "not valid base64",
- "attestation_object": "not valid base64",
- }
- r = self.client.post(self.url, payload)
- self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 400)
- def test_it_requires_client_data_json(self):
- self.client.login(username="[email protected]", password="password")
- self.set_sudo_flag()
- payload = {
- "name": "My New Key",
- "attestation_object": "e30=",
- }
- r = self.client.post(self.url, payload)
- self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 400)
- @patch("hc.accounts.views._get_credential_data")
- def test_it_handles_authentication_failure(self, mock_get_credential_data):
- mock_get_credential_data.return_value = None
- self.client.login(username="[email protected]", password="password")
- self.set_sudo_flag()
- payload = {
- "name": "My New Key",
- "client_data_json": "e30=",
- "attestation_object": "e30=",
- }
- r = self.client.post(self.url, payload, follow=True)
- self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 400)