- from datetime import timedelta as td
- from io import StringIO
- from mock import Mock, patch
- from django.core.management import call_command
- from django.utils.timezone import now
- from hc.api.management.commands.sendalerts import Command, notify
- from hc.api.models import Flip, Check
- from hc.test import BaseTestCase
- class SendAlertsTestCase(BaseTestCase):
- def test_it_handles_grace_period(self):
- check = Check(project=self.project, status="up")
- # 1 day 30 minutes after ping the check is in grace period:
- check.last_ping = now() - td(days=1, minutes=30)
- check.alert_after = check.last_ping + td(days=1, hours=1)
- check.save()
- Command().handle_going_down()
- check.refresh_from_db()
- self.assertEqual(check.status, "up")
- self.assertEqual(Flip.objects.count(), 0)
- def test_it_creates_a_flip_when_check_goes_down(self):
- check = Check(project=self.project, status="up")
- check.last_ping = now() - td(days=2)
- check.alert_after = check.last_ping + td(days=1, hours=1)
- check.save()
- result = Command().handle_going_down()
- # If it finds work, it should return True
- self.assertTrue(result)
- # It should create a flip object
- flip = Flip.objects.get()
- self.assertEqual(flip.owner_id, check.id)
- self.assertEqual(flip.created, check.alert_after)
- self.assertEqual(flip.new_status, "down")
- # It should change stored status to "down", and clear out alert_after
- check.refresh_from_db()
- self.assertEqual(check.status, "down")
- self.assertEqual(check.alert_after, None)
- @patch("hc.api.management.commands.sendalerts.notify_on_thread")
- def test_it_processes_flip(self, mock_notify):
- check = Check(project=self.project, status="up")
- check.last_ping = now()
- check.alert_after = check.last_ping + td(days=1, hours=1)
- check.save()
- flip = Flip(owner=check, created=check.last_ping)
- flip.old_status = "down"
- flip.new_status = "up"
- flip.save()
- result = Command().process_one_flip()
- # If it finds work, it should return True
- self.assertTrue(result)
- # It should set the processed date
- flip.refresh_from_db()
- self.assertTrue(flip.processed)
- # It should call `notify_on_thread`
- self.assertTrue(mock_notify.called)
- @patch("hc.api.management.commands.sendalerts.notify_on_thread")
- def test_it_updates_alert_after(self, mock_notify):
- check = Check(project=self.project, status="up")
- check.last_ping = now() - td(hours=1)
- check.alert_after = check.last_ping
- check.save()
- result = Command().handle_going_down()
- # If it finds work, it should return True
- self.assertTrue(result)
- # alert_after should have been increased
- expected_aa = check.last_ping + td(days=1, hours=1)
- check.refresh_from_db()
- self.assertEqual(check.alert_after, expected_aa)
- # a flip should have not been created
- self.assertEqual(Flip.objects.count(), 0)
- @patch("hc.api.management.commands.sendalerts.notify")
- def test_it_works_synchronously(self, mock_notify):
- check = Check(project=self.project, status="up")
- check.last_ping = now() - td(days=2)
- check.alert_after = check.last_ping + td(days=1, hours=1)
- check.save()
- call_command("sendalerts", loop=False, use_threads=False,
- stdout=StringIO())
- # It should call `notify` instead of `notify_on_thread`
- self.assertTrue(mock_notify.called)
- def test_it_updates_owners_next_nag_date(self):
- self.profile.nag_period = td(hours=1)
- self.profile.save()
- check = Check(project=self.project, status="down")
- check.last_ping = now() - td(days=2)
- check.save()
- flip = Flip(owner=check, created=check.last_ping)
- flip.old_status = "up"
- flip.new_status = "down"
- flip.save()
- notify(flip.id, Mock())
- self.profile.refresh_from_db()
- self.assertIsNotNone(self.profile.next_nag_date)
- def test_it_updates_members_next_nag_date(self):
- self.bobs_profile.nag_period = td(hours=1)
- self.bobs_profile.save()
- check = Check(project=self.project, status="down")
- check.last_ping = now() - td(days=2)
- check.save()
- flip = Flip(owner=check, created=check.last_ping)
- flip.old_status = "up"
- flip.new_status = "down"
- flip.save()
- notify(flip.id, Mock())
- self.bobs_profile.refresh_from_db()
- self.assertIsNotNone(self.bobs_profile.next_nag_date)
- def test_it_does_not_touch_already_set_next_nag_dates(self):
- original_nag_date = now() - td(minutes=30)
- self.profile.nag_period = td(hours=1)
- self.profile.next_nag_date = original_nag_date
- self.profile.save()
- check = Check(project=self.project, status="down")
- check.last_ping = now() - td(days=2)
- check.save()
- flip = Flip(owner=check, created=check.last_ping)
- flip.old_status = "up"
- flip.new_status = "down"
- flip.save()
- notify(flip.id, Mock())
- self.profile.refresh_from_db()
- self.assertEqual(self.profile.next_nag_date, original_nag_date)