- # API Reference
- SITE_NAME REST API supports listing, creating, updating, pausing and deleting
- checks in user's account.
- ## API Endpoints
- Endpoint Name | Endpoint Address
- ------------------------------------------------------|-------
- [Get a list of existing checks](#list-checks) | `GET SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/`
- [Create a new check](#create-check) | `POST SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/`
- [Update an existing check](#update-check) | `POST SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/<uuid>`
- [Pause monitoring of a check](#pause-check) | `POST SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/<uuid>/pause`
- [Delete check](#delete-check) | `DELETE SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/<uuid>`
- [Get a list of existing integrations](#list-channels) | `GET SITE_ROOT/api/v1/channels/`
- ## Authentication
- Your requests to SITE_NAME REST API must authenticate using an
- API key. Each project in your SITE_NAME account has separate API keys.
- There are no account-wide API keys. By default, a project on SITE_NAME doesn't have
- an API key. You can create read-write and read-only API keys in the
- **Project Settings** page.
- Key Type | Description
- -------------------|------------
- Regular API key | Have full access to all documented API endpoints.
- Read-only API key | Only work with the [Get a list of existing checks](#list-checks) endpoint. Some fields are omitted from the API responses.
- The client can authenticate itself by sending an appropriate HTTP
- request header. The header's name should be `X-Api-Key` and
- its value should be your API key.
- Alternatively, for POST requests with a JSON request body,
- the client can include an `api_key` field in the JSON document.
- See below the "Create a check" section for an example.
- ## API Requests
- For POST requests, the SITE_NAME API expects request body to be
- a JSON document (*not* a `multipart/form-data` encoded form data).
- ## API Responses
- SITE_NAME uses HTTP status codes wherever possible.
- In general, 2xx class indicates success, 4xx indicates an client error,
- and 5xx indicates a server error.
- The response may contain a JSON document with additional data.
- ## Get a List of Existing Checks {: #list-checks .rule }
- `GET SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/`
- Returns a list of checks belonging to the user, optionally filtered by
- one or more tags.
- ### Query String Parameters
- tag=<value>
- : Filters the checks, and returns only the checks that are tagged with the
- specified value.
- This parameter can be repeated multiple times.
- Example:
- `SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/?tag=foo&tag=bar`
- ### Response Codes
- 200 OK
- : The request succeeded.
- 401 Unauthorized
- : The API key is either missing or invalid.
- ### Example Request
- ```bash
- curl --header "X-Api-Key: your-api-key" SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/
- ```
- ### Example Response
- ```json
- {
- "checks": [
- {
- "channels": "4ec5a071-2d08-4baa-898a-eb4eb3cd6941,746a083e-f542-4554-be1a-707ce16d3acc",
- "desc": "Longer free-form description goes here",
- "grace": 900,
- "last_ping": "2017-01-04T13:24:39.903464+00:00",
- "n_pings": 1,
- "name": "Api test 1",
- "next_ping": "2017-01-04T14:24:39.903464+00:00",
- "pause_url": "SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/662ebe36-ecab-48db-afe3-e20029cb71e6/pause",
- "ping_url": "PING_ENDPOINT662ebe36-ecab-48db-afe3-e20029cb71e6",
- "status": "up",
- "tags": "foo",
- "timeout": 3600,
- "update_url": "SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/662ebe36-ecab-48db-afe3-e20029cb71e6"
- },
- {
- "channels": "",
- "desc": "",
- "grace": 3600,
- "last_ping": null,
- "n_pings": 0,
- "name": "Api test 2",
- "next_ping": null,
- "pause_url": "SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/9d17c61f-5c4f-4cab-b517-11e6b2679ced/pause",
- "ping_url": "PING_ENDPOINT9d17c61f-5c4f-4cab-b517-11e6b2679ced",
- "schedule": "0/10 * * * *",
- "status": "new",
- "tags": "bar baz",
- "tz": "UTC",
- "update_url": "SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/9d17c61f-5c4f-4cab-b517-11e6b2679ced"
- }
- ]
- }
- ```
- When using the read-only API key, the following fields are omitted:
- `ping_url`, `update_url`, `pause_url`, `channels`. An extra `unique_key` field
- is added. This identifier is stable across API calls. Example:
- ```json
- {
- "checks": [
- {
- "desc": "Longer free-form description goes here",
- "grace": 900,
- "last_ping": "2017-01-04T13:24:39.903464+00:00",
- "n_pings": 1,
- "name": "Api test 1",
- "status": "up",
- "tags": "foo",
- "timeout": 3600,
- "unique_key": "2872190d95224bad120f41d3c06aab94b8175bb6"
- },
- {
- "desc": "",
- "grace": 3600,
- "last_ping": null,
- "n_pings": 0,
- "name": "Api test 2",
- "next_ping": null,
- "schedule": "0/10 * * * *",
- "status": "new",
- "tags": "bar baz",
- "tz": "UTC",
- "unique_key": "9b5fc29129560ff2c5c1803803a7415e4f80cf7e"
- }
- ]
- }
- ```
- ## Create a Check {: #create-check .rule }
- `POST SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/`
- Creates a new check and returns its ping URL.
- All request parameters are optional and will use their default
- values if omitted.
- This API call can be used to create both "simple" and "cron" checks.
- To create a "simple" check, specify the "timeout" parameter.
- To create a "cron" check, specify the "schedule" and "tz" parameters.
- ### Request Parameters
- name
- : string, optional, default value: ""
- Name for the new check.
- tags
- : string, optional, default value: ""
- A space-delimited list of tags for the new check.
- Example:
- <pre>{"tags": "reports staging"}</pre>
- desc
- : string, optional.
- Description for the check.
- timeout
- : number, optional, default value: {{ default_timeout }}.
- A number of seconds, the expected period of this check.
- Minimum: 60 (one minute), maximum: 2592000 (30 days).
- Example for 5 minute timeout:
- <pre>{"kind": "simple", "timeout": 300}</pre>
- grace
- : number, optional, default value: {{ default_grace }}.
- A number of seconds, the grace period for this check.
- Minimum: 60 (one minute), maximum: 2592000 (30 days).
- schedule
- : string, optional, default value: "* * * * *".
- A cron expression defining this check's schedule.
- If you specify both "timeout" and "schedule" parameters, "timeout" will be
- ignored and "schedule" will be used.
- Example for a check running every half-hour:
- <pre>{"schedule": "0,30 * * * *"}</pre>
- tz
- : string, optional, default value: "UTC".
- Server's timezone. This setting only has effect in combination with the
- "schedule" paremeter.
- Example:
- <pre>{"tz": "Europe/Riga"}</pre>
- channels
- : string, optional
- By default, if a check is created through API, no notification channels
- (integrations) are assigned to it. So, when the check goes up or down, no
- notifications will get sent.
- Set this field to a special value "*" to automatically assign all existing
- integrations.
- To assign specific integrations, use a comma-separated list of integration
- identifiers. Use the [Get a List of Existing Integrations](#list-channels) call to
- look up integration identifiers.
- unique
- : array of string values, optional, default value: [].
- Before creating a check, look for existing checks, filtered by fields listed
- in `unique`. If a matching check is found, return it with HTTP status code 200.
- If no matching check is found, proceed as normal: create a check and return it
- with HTTP status code 201.
- The accepted values are: `name`, `tags`, `timeout` and `grace`.
- Example:
- <pre>{"name": "Backups", unique: ["name"]}</pre>
- In this example, if a check named "Backups" exists, it will be returned.
- Otherwise, a new check will be created and returned.
- ### Response Codes
- 201 Created
- : The check was successfully created.
- 200 OK
- : The `unique` parameter was used and an existing check was matched.
- 400 Bad Request
- : The request is not well-formed, violates schema, or uses invalid
- field values.
- 401 Unauthorized
- : The API key is either missing or invalid.
- 403 Forbidden
- : The account's check limit has been reached. For free accounts,
- the limit is 20 checks per account.
- ### Example Request
- ```bash
- curl SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/ \
- --header "X-Api-Key: your-api-key" \
- --data '{"name": "Backups", "tags": "prod www", "timeout": 3600, "grace": 60}'
- ```
- Or, alternatively:
- ```bash
- curl SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/ \
- --data '{"api_key": "your-api-key", "name": "Backups", "tags": "prod www", "timeout": 3600, "grace": 60}'
- ```
- ### Example Response
- ```json
- {
- "channels": "",
- "desc": "",
- "grace": 60,
- "last_ping": null,
- "n_pings": 0,
- "name": "Backups",
- "next_ping": null,
- "pause_url": "SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/f618072a-7bde-4eee-af63-71a77c5723bc/pause",
- "ping_url": "PING_ENDPOINTf618072a-7bde-4eee-af63-71a77c5723bc",
- "status": "new",
- "tags": "prod www",
- "timeout": 3600,
- "update_url": "SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/f618072a-7bde-4eee-af63-71a77c5723bc",
- }
- ```
- ## Update an Existing Check {: #update-check .rule }
- `POST SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/<uuid>`
- Updates an existing check. All request parameters are optional. The check is
- updated only with the supplied request parameters. If any parameter is omitted,
- its value is left unchanged.
- ### Request Parameters
- name
- : string, optional.
- Name for the check.
- tags
- : string, optional.
- A space-delimited list of tags for the check.
- Example:
- <pre>{"tags": "reports staging"}</pre>
- desc
- : string, optional.
- Description for the check.
- timeout
- : number, optional.
- A number of seconds, the expected period of this check.
- Minimum: 60 (one minute), maximum: 2592000 (30 days).
- Example for 5 minute timeout:
- <pre>{"kind": "simple", "timeout": 300}</pre>
- grace
- : number, optional.
- A number of seconds, the grace period for this check.
- Minimum: 60 (one minute), maximum: 2592000 (30 days).
- schedule
- : string, optional.
- A cron expression defining this check's schedule.
- If you specify both "timeout" and "schedule" parameters, "timeout" will be
- ignored and "schedule" will be used.
- Example for a check running every half-hour:
- <pre>{"schedule": "0,30 * * * *"}</pre>
- tz
- : string, optional.
- Server's timezone. This setting only has effect in combination with the
- "schedule" paremeter.
- Example:
- <pre>{"tz": "Europe/Riga"}</pre>
- channels
- : string, optional.
- Set this field to a special value "*" to automatically assign all existing
- notification channels.
- Set this field to a special value "" (empty string) to automatically *unassign*
- all notification channels.
- Set this field to a comma-separated list of channel identifiers to assign
- specific notification channels.
- Example:
- <pre>{"channels": "4ec5a071-2d08-4baa-898a-eb4eb3cd6941,746a083e-f542-4554-be1a-707ce16d3acc"}</pre>
- ### Response Codes
- 200 OK
- : The check was successfully updated.
- 400 Bad Request
- : The request is not well-formed, violates schema, or uses invalid
- field values.
- 401 Unauthorized
- : The API key is either missing or invalid.
- 403 Forbidden
- : Access denied, wrong API key.
- 404 Not Found
- : The specified check does not exist.
- ### Example Request
- ```bash
- curl SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/f618072a-7bde-4eee-af63-71a77c5723bc \
- --header "X-Api-Key: your-api-key" \
- --data '{"name": "Backups", "tags": "prod www", "timeout": 3600, "grace": 60}'
- ```
- Or, alternatively:
- ```bash
- curl SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/f618072a-7bde-4eee-af63-71a77c5723bc \
- --data '{"api_key": "your-api-key", "name": "Backups", "tags": "prod www", "timeout": 3600, "grace": 60}'
- ```
- ### Example Response
- ```json
- {
- "channels": "",
- "desc": "",
- "grace": 60,
- "last_ping": null,
- "n_pings": 0,
- "name": "Backups",
- "next_ping": null,
- "pause_url": "SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/f618072a-7bde-4eee-af63-71a77c5723bc/pause",
- "ping_url": "PING_ENDPOINTf618072a-7bde-4eee-af63-71a77c5723bc",
- "status": "new",
- "tags": "prod www",
- "timeout": 3600,
- "update_url": "SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/f618072a-7bde-4eee-af63-71a77c5723bc",
- }
- ```
- ## Pause Monitoring of a Check {: #pause-check .rule }
- `POST SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/<uuid>/pause`
- Disables monitoring for a check, without removing it. The check goes into a "paused"
- state. You can resume monitoring of the check by pinging it.
- This API call has no request parameters.
- ### Response Codes
- 200 OK
- : The check was successfully paused.
- 401 Unauthorized
- : The API key is either missing or invalid.
- 403 Forbidden
- : Access denied, wrong API key.
- 404 Not Found
- : The specified check does not exist.
- ### Example Request
- ```bash
- curl SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/0c8983c9-9d73-446f-adb5-0641fdacc9d4/pause \
- --request POST --header "X-Api-Key: your-api-key" --data ""
- ```
- Note: the `--data ""` argument forces curl to send a `Content-Length` request header
- even though the request body is empty. For HTTP POST requests, the `Content-Length`
- header is sometimes required by some network proxies and web servers.
- ### Example Response
- ```json
- {
- "channels": "",
- "desc": "",
- "grace": 60,
- "last_ping": null,
- "n_pings": 0,
- "name": "Backups",
- "next_ping": null,
- "pause_url": "SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/f618072a-7bde-4eee-af63-71a77c5723bc/pause",
- "ping_url": "PING_ENDPOINTf618072a-7bde-4eee-af63-71a77c5723bc",
- "status": "paused",
- "tags": "prod www",
- "timeout": 3600,
- "update_url": "SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/f618072a-7bde-4eee-af63-71a77c5723bc"
- }
- ```
- ## Delete Check {: #delete-check .rule }
- `DELETE SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/<uuid>`
- Permanently deletes the check from user's account. Returns JSON representation of the
- check that was just deleted.
- This API call has no request parameters.
- ### Response Codes
- 200 OK
- : The check was successfully deleted.
- 401 Unauthorized
- : The API key is either missing or invalid.
- 403 Forbidden
- : Access denied, wrong API key.
- 404 Not Found
- : The specified check does not exist.
- ### Example Request
- ```bash
- curl SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/f618072a-7bde-4eee-af63-71a77c5723bc \
- --request DELETE --header "X-Api-Key: your-api-key"
- ```
- ### Example Response
- ```json
- {
- "channels": "",
- "desc": "",
- "grace": 60,
- "last_ping": null,
- "n_pings": 0,
- "name": "Backups",
- "next_ping": null,
- "pause_url": "SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/f618072a-7bde-4eee-af63-71a77c5723bc/pause",
- "ping_url": "PING_ENDPOINTf618072a-7bde-4eee-af63-71a77c5723bc",
- "status": "new",
- "tags": "prod www",
- "timeout": 3600,
- "update_url": "SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/f618072a-7bde-4eee-af63-71a77c5723bc",
- }
- ```
- ## Get a List of Existing Integrations {: #list-channels .rule }
- `GET SITE_ROOT/api/v1/channels/`
- Returns a list of integrations belonging to the user.
- ### Response Codes
- 200 OK
- : The request succeeded.
- 401 Unauthorized
- : The API key is either missing or invalid.
- ### Example Request
- ```bash
- curl --header "X-Api-Key: your-api-key" SITE_ROOT/api/v1/channels/
- ```
- ### Example Response
- ```json
- {
- "channels": [
- {
- "id": "4ec5a071-2d08-4baa-898a-eb4eb3cd6941",
- "name": "My Work Email",
- "kind": "email"
- },
- {
- "id": "746a083e-f542-4554-be1a-707ce16d3acc",
- "name": "My Phone",
- "kind": "sms"
- }
- ]
- }
- ```