- from django.contrib.auth.models import User
- from django.core import mail
- from django.test import TestCase
- from mock import patch
- from requests.exceptions import ReadTimeout
- from hc.api.models import Channel, Check, Notification
- class NotifyTestCase(TestCase):
- def _setup_data(self, channel_kind, channel_value, email_verified=True):
- self.alice = User(username="alice")
- self.alice.save()
- self.check = Check()
- self.check.status = "down"
- self.check.save()
- self.channel = Channel(user=self.alice)
- self.channel.kind = channel_kind
- self.channel.value = channel_value
- self.channel.email_verified = email_verified
- self.channel.save()
- self.channel.checks.add(self.check)
- @patch("hc.api.models.requests.get")
- def test_webhook(self, mock_get):
- self._setup_data("webhook", "http://example")
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- mock_get.assert_called_with(u"http://example", timeout=5)
- @patch("hc.api.models.requests.get", side_effect=ReadTimeout)
- def test_webhooks_handle_timeouts(self, mock_get):
- self._setup_data("webhook", "http://example")
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- assert Notification.objects.count() == 1
- def test_email(self):
- self._setup_data("email", "[email protected]")
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- assert Notification.objects.count() == 1
- # And email should have been sent
- self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 1)
- def test_it_skips_unverified_email(self):
- self._setup_data("email", "[email protected]", email_verified=False)
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- assert Notification.objects.count() == 0
- self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 0)
- @patch("hc.api.models.requests.post")
- def test_pd(self, mock_post):
- self._setup_data("pd", "123")
- self.channel.notify(self.check)
- assert Notification.objects.count() == 1
- args, kwargs = mock_post.call_args
- assert "trigger" in kwargs["data"]