- import json
- from django.test.utils import override_settings
- from hc.api.models import Channel
- from hc.test import BaseTestCase
- from mock import patch
- class AddPushbulletTestCase(BaseTestCase):
- url = "/integrations/add_pushbullet/"
- @patch("hc.front.views.requests.post")
- def test_it_handles_oauth_response(self, mock_post):
- session = self.client.session
- session["add_pushbullet"] = ("foo", str(self.project.code))
- session.save()
- oauth_response = {"access_token": "test-token"}
- mock_post.return_value.text = json.dumps(oauth_response)
- mock_post.return_value.json.return_value = oauth_response
- url = self.url + "?code=12345678&state=foo&project=%s" % self.project.code
- self.client.login(username="[email protected]", password="password")
- r = self.client.get(url, follow=True)
- self.assertRedirects(r, self.channels_url)
- self.assertContains(r, "The Pushbullet integration has been added!")
- ch = Channel.objects.get()
- self.assertEqual(ch.value, "test-token")
- self.assertEqual(ch.project, self.project)
- # Session should now be clean
- self.assertFalse("add_pushbullet" in self.client.session)
- def test_it_avoids_csrf(self):
- session = self.client.session
- session["pushbullet"] = ("foo", str(self.project.code))
- session.save()
- url = self.url + "?code=12345678&state=bar&project=%s" % self.project.code
- self.client.login(username="[email protected]", password="password")
- r = self.client.get(url)
- self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 403)
- @patch("hc.front.views.requests.post")
- def test_it_handles_denial(self, mock_post):
- session = self.client.session
- session["add_pushbullet"] = ("foo", str(self.project.code))
- session.save()
- self.client.login(username="[email protected]", password="password")
- r = self.client.get(self.url + "?error=access_denied", follow=True)
- self.assertRedirects(r, self.channels_url)
- self.assertContains(r, "Pushbullet setup was cancelled")
- self.assertEqual(Channel.objects.count(), 0)
- # Session should now be clean
- self.assertFalse("add_pushbullet" in self.client.session)