- from datetime import timedelta as td
- from unittest.mock import Mock
- from django.core import mail
- from django.utils.timezone import now
- from hc.api.management.commands.sendreports import Command
- from hc.api.models import Check
- from hc.test import BaseTestCase
- class SendReportsTestCase(BaseTestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super().setUp()
- # Make alice eligible for a monthly report:
- self.profile.next_report_date = now() - td(hours=1)
- # and for a nag
- self.profile.nag_period = td(hours=1)
- self.profile.next_nag_date = now() - td(seconds=10)
- self.profile.save()
- # Disable bob's and charlie's monthly reports so they don't interfere
- self.bobs_profile.reports = "off"
- self.bobs_profile.reports_allowed = False
- self.bobs_profile.save()
- self.charlies_profile.reports = "off"
- self.charlies_profile.reports_allowed = False
- self.charlies_profile.save()
- # And it needs at least one check that has been pinged.
- self.check = Check(project=self.project, last_ping=now())
- self.check.status = "down"
- self.check.save()
- def test_it_sends_monthly_report(self):
- cmd = Command(stdout=Mock())
- cmd.pause = Mock() # don't pause for 1s
- found = cmd.handle_one_report()
- self.assertTrue(found)
- self.profile.refresh_from_db()
- self.assertTrue(self.profile.next_report_date > now())
- self.assertEqual(self.profile.next_report_date.day, 1)
- self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 1)
- email = mail.outbox[0]
- self.assertTrue("List-Unsubscribe" in email.extra_headers)
- self.assertTrue("List-Unsubscribe-Post" in email.extra_headers)
- self.assertEqual(email.subject, "Monthly Report")
- self.assertIn("This is a monthly report", email.body)
- self.assertIn("This is a monthly report", email.alternatives[0][0])
- def test_it_sends_weekly_report(self):
- self.profile.reports = "weekly"
- self.profile.save()
- cmd = Command(stdout=Mock())
- cmd.pause = Mock() # don't pause for 1s
- cmd.handle_one_report()
- email = mail.outbox[0]
- self.assertEqual(email.subject, "Weekly Report")
- self.assertIn("This is a weekly report", email.body)
- self.assertIn("This is a weekly report", email.alternatives[0][0])
- def test_it_obeys_next_report_date(self):
- self.profile.next_report_date = now() + td(days=1)
- self.profile.save()
- found = Command().handle_one_report()
- self.assertFalse(found)
- def test_it_fills_blank_next_report_date(self):
- self.profile.next_report_date = None
- self.profile.save()
- found = Command().handle_one_report()
- self.assertTrue(found)
- self.profile.refresh_from_db()
- self.assertEqual(self.profile.next_report_date.day, 1)
- self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 0)
- def test_it_obeys_reports_off(self):
- self.profile.reports = "off"
- self.profile.save()
- found = Command().handle_one_report()
- self.assertFalse(found)
- def test_it_requires_pinged_checks(self):
- self.check.delete()
- found = Command().handle_one_report()
- self.assertTrue(found)
- # No email should have been sent:
- self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 0)
- def test_it_sends_nag(self):
- cmd = Command(stdout=Mock())
- cmd.pause = Mock() # don't pause for 1s
- found = cmd.handle_one_nag()
- self.assertTrue(found)
- self.profile.refresh_from_db()
- self.assertTrue(self.profile.next_nag_date > now())
- self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 1)
- email = mail.outbox[0]
- html = email.alternatives[0][0]
- self.assertNotIn(str(self.check.code), email.body)
- self.assertNotIn(str(self.check.code), html)
- def test_it_obeys_next_nag_date(self):
- self.profile.next_nag_date = now() + td(days=1)
- self.profile.save()
- # If next_nag_date is in future, a nag should not get sent.
- found = Command().handle_one_nag()
- self.assertFalse(found)
- def test_it_obeys_nag_period(self):
- self.profile.nag_period = td()
- self.profile.save()
- # If nag_period is 0 ("disabled"), a nag should not get sent.
- found = Command().handle_one_nag()
- self.assertFalse(found)
- def test_nags_require_down_checks(self):
- self.check.status = "up"
- self.check.save()
- found = Command().handle_one_nag()
- self.assertTrue(found)
- # No email should have been sent:
- self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 0)
- # next_nag_date should now be unset
- self.profile.refresh_from_db()
- self.assertIsNone(self.profile.next_nag_date)