@ -20,6 +20,115 @@ methods are active for each check. You can click the icons to toggle them on and
<p>You can also toggle the integrations by clicking the "ON" / "OFF" labels in
individual check's details pages:</p>
<p><imgalt="Integration on/off toggles in the check details page"src="IMG_URL/details_integrations.png"/></p>
<h2>Integration Setup</h2>
<p>To enable the Slack "self-service" integration, you will need to create a "Slack App".</p>
<p>To do so:</p>
<li>Create a <em>new Slack app</em> on <ahref=" https://api.slack.com/apps/">https://api.slack.com/apps/</a></li>
<li>Add at least <em>one scope</em> in the permissions section to be able to deploy the app in your workspace (By example <code>incoming-webhook</code> for the <code>Bot Token Scopes</code>
<li>Look up your Slack app for the Client ID and Client Secret at <ahref="https://api.slack.com/apps/APP_ID/general?">https://api.slack.com/apps/APP_ID/general?</a> . Put them
in <code>SLACK_CLIENT_ID</code> and <code>SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET</code> environment
<p>To enable Discord integration, you will need to:</p>
<li>Register a new application on <ahref="https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me">https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me</a></li>
<li>add a redirect URI to your Discord application. The URI format is
<co1de>SITE_ROOT/integrations/add_discord/</code>. For example, if you are running a
development server on <code>localhost:8000</code> then the redirect URI would be
<li>On Healthchecks, the user adds a "Pushover" integration to a project</li>
<li>Healthchecks redirects user's browser to a <ahref="http://pushover.net/">Pushover.net</a> subscription page</li>
<li>User approves adding the Healthchecks subscription to their Pushover account</li>
<li><ahref="http://pushover.net/">Pushover.net</a> HTTP redirects back to Healthchecks with a subscription token</li>
<li>Healthchecks saves the subscription token and uses it for sending Pushover notifications</li>
<p>Healthchecks uses <ahref="https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli">signal-cli</a> to send Signal
notifications. Healthcecks interacts with signal-cli over DBus.</p>
<p>To enable the Signal integration:</p>
<li>Set up and configure signal-cli to listen on DBus system bus (<ahref="https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli/wiki/DBus-service">instructions</a>).
<li>Make sure you can send test messages from command line, using the `dbus-send` example given in the signal-cli instructions.</li>
<li>Set the <code>SIGNAL_CLI_ENABLED</code> environment variable to <code>True</code>.</li>
<li>Create a Telegram bot by talking to the <ahref="https://core.telegram.org/bots#6-botfather">BotFather</a>. Set the bot's name, description, user picture, and add a "/start" command.</li>
<li>After creating the bot you will have the bot's name and token. Put them in <code>TELEGRAM_BOT_NAME</code> and <code>TELEGRAM_TOKEN</code> environment variables.</li>
<li>Run `settelegramwebhook` management command. This command tells Telegram where to forward channel messages by invoking Telegram's <ahref="https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setwebhook">setWebhook</a> API call:</li>
$ ./manage.py settelegramwebhook
Done, Telegram's webhook set to: https://my-monitoring-project.com/integrations/telegram/bot/
<p>For this to work, your `SITE_ROOT` needs to be correct and use "https://" scheme.</p>
<p>To enable Apprise integration, you will need to:</p>
<li>Ensure you have apprise installed in your local environment:</li>
<pre>pip install apprise</pre>
<li>Enable the apprise functionality by setting the <code>APPRISE_ENABLED</code> environment variable.</li>
<h3>Shell Commands</h3>
<p>The "Shell Commands" integration runs user-defined local shell commands when checks
go up or down. This integration is disabled by default, and can be enabled by setting
the `<code>SHELL_ENABLED</code>` environment variable to <code>True</code>.</p>
<p>Note: be careful when using "Shell Commands" integration, and only enable it when
you fully trust the users of your Healthchecks instance. The commands will be executed
by the <code>manage.py sendalerts</code> process, and will run with the same system permissions as
the <code>sendalerts</code> process.</p>
<p>To enable the Matrix integration you will need to:</p>
<li>Register a bot user (for posting notifications) in your preferred homeserver.</li>
<li>Use the <ahref="https://www.matrix.org/docs/guides/client-server-api#login">Login API call</a> to retrieve bot user's access token. You can run it as shown in the documentation, using curl in command shell.</li>
<li>Set the `MATRIX_` environment variables. Example:
MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN=[a long string of characters returned by the login call]
<h2>SMS, WhatsApp, and Phone Call Monthly Quotas</h2>
<p>SITE_NAME sets a quota on the maximum number of SMS, WhatsApp, and phone-call
notifications an account can send per given month. The specific limit depends on the