## Get a list of check's flips {: #list-flips .rule }
## Get a list of check's status changes {: #list-flips .rule }
`GET SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/<uuid>/flips/` or `GET SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/<unique_key>/flips/`
`GET SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/<uuid>/flips/`<br>
`GET SITE_ROOT/api/v1/checks/<unique_key>/flips/`
Returns a list of flips this check has experienced. A flip is a change of status (up, or down).
This endpoint returns the status of a check for the period of time passed according to the below parameters. If no parameters are passed, the default is to return flips occuring in the previous 3600 seconds (`/?seconds=3600`), which is the last hour.
Returns a list of "flips" this check has experienced. A flip is a change of status
(from "down" to "up", or from "up" to "down").
### Query String Parameters
Either the seconds or the start (and end) parameters can be passed. Passing both the seconds parameter and the start/end parameters will return a 400 error (see below).
: Filters the checks, and returns the flip history in the last `n` seconds