# Contributing I'm open to feature suggestions and happy to review code contributions. If you are planning to contribute something larger than a small, straightforward bugfix, please open an issue so we can discuss it first. Otherwise you are risking a "no" or a "yes, but let's do it differently" to an already implemented feature. ## Code Style * Format your Python code with [black](https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/). * Prefer simplicity over cleverness. * If you are fixing a bug or adding a feature, add a test. Run tests before submitting pull requests. ## Adding Documentation This project uses the Markdown format for documentation. Use the `render_docs` management command to generate the HTML version of the documentation. To add a new documentation page: 1. Create the appropriate .md file under `templates/docs` 2. Generate the HTML version with `./manage.py render_docs` 3. Add the page to the navigation in `/templates/front/base_docs.html`