{% extends "base.html" %} {% load compress humanize staticfiles hc_extras %} {% block title %}Add Slack - {% site_name %}{% endblock %} {% block content %}
If your team uses Slack, you can set up {% site_name %} to post status updates directly to an appropriate Slack channel.
{% else %}{% site_name %} is a free and open source service for monitoring your cron jobs, background processes and scheduled tasks. Before adding Slack integration, please log into {% site_name %}:
After {% if request.user.is_authenticated %}{% else %}logging in and{% endif %} clicking on "Add to Slack", you should be on a page that says "healthchecks.io would like access to your Slack team". Select the team you want to add the healthchecks.io integration app to.
You should now be on a page that says "healthchecks.io would like access to TEAM NAME". Select the channel you want to post healthchecks.io notifications to.
That is all! You will now be redirected back to "Integrations" page on {% site_name %} and see the new integration!
If your team uses Slack, you can set up {% site_name %} to post status updates directly to an appropriate Slack channel.
Copy the displayed WebHook URL and paste it down below.
Save the integration, and it's done!