Configuring Checks

In SITE_NAME, a Check represents a single service you want to monitor. For example, when monitoring cron jobs, you would create a separate check for each cron job to be monitored. SITE_NAME pricing plans are structured primarily around how many checks you can have in your account. You can create checks either in SITE_NAME web interface or by calling API.

Name, Tags, Description

Describe each check using optional name, tags and description fields.

Editing name, tags and description

Simple Schedules

SITE_NAME supports two types of schedules: "simple" and "cron". Use "Simple" schedules for monitoring processes that are expected to run at relatively regular time intervals: once an hour, once a day, once a week.

Editing the period and grace time

For simple schedules you configure two time durations, Period and Grace Time.

Cron Schedules

Use "cron" for monitoring processes with more complex schedules, and to ensure jobs run at the correct time (not just at correct time intervals).

Editing cron schedule

You will need to specify Cron Expression, Server's Time Zone and Grace Time.

Filtering Rules

Setting filtering rules