{% extends "base.html" %} {% load staticfiles %} {% block title %}Documentation - healthchecks.io{% endblock %} {% block content %}


Each check you create in My Checks page has an unique "ping" URL. Whenever you access this URL, the "Last Ping" value of corresponding check is updated.

When a certain amount of time passes since last received ping, the check is considered "late", and Health Checks sends an email alert. It is all very simple, really.

Executing a Ping

At the end of your batch job, add a bit of code to request your ping URL.

The response will have status code "200 OK" and response body will be a short and simple string "OK".

Here are examples of executing pings from different environments.


When using cron, probably the easiest is to append a curl or wget call after your command. The scheduled time comes, and your command runs. After it completes, the healthchecks.io check gets pinged.

{% include "front/snippets/crontab.html" %}

With this simple modification, you monitor several failure scenarios:

Either way, when your task doesn't finish successfully, you will soon know about it.

Bash or a shell script

Both curl and wget examples accomplish the same thing: they fire off a HTTP GET method.

If using curl, make sure it is installed on your target system. Ubuntu, for example, does not have curl installed out of the box.

{% include "front/snippets/bash.html" %}


{% include "front/snippets/python.html" %}


{% include "front/snippets/node.html" %}


{% include "front/snippets/php.html" %}


healthchecks.io includes Access-Control-Allow-Origin:* CORS header in its ping responses, so cross-domain AJAX requests should work.

{% include "front/snippets/browser.html" %}


As an alternative to HTTP/HTTPS requests, you can "ping" this check by sending an email message to {{ check.email }}

This is useful for end-to-end testing weekly email delivery.

An example scenario: you have a cron job which runs weekly and sends weekly email reports to a list of e-mail addresses. You have already set up a check to get alerted when your cron job fails to run. But what you ultimately want to check is your emails get sent and get delivered.

The solution: set up another check, and add its @hchk.io address to your list of recipient email addresses. Set its Period to 1 week. As long as your weekly email script runs correctly, the check will be regularly pinged and will stay up.

When Alerts Are Sent

Each check has a configurable Period parameter, with the default value of one day. For periodic tasks, this is the expected time gap between two runs.

Additionally, each check has a Grace parameter, with default value of one hour. You can use this parameter to account for run time variance of tasks. For example, if a backup task completes in 50 seconds one day, and completes in 60 seconds the following day, you might not want to get alerted because the backups are 10 seconds late.

Each check can be in one of the following states:

New. A check that has been created, but has not received any pings yet.
Up. Time since last ping has not exceeded Period.
Late. Time since last ping has exceeded Period, but has not yet exceeded Period + Grace.
Down. Time since last ping has exceeded Period + Grace. When check goes from "Late" to "Down", healthchecks.io sends you an alert.
{% endblock %}