import uuid import re from django.contrib import messages from django.contrib.auth import login as auth_login from django.contrib.auth import logout as auth_logout from django.contrib.auth import authenticate from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.contrib.auth.hashers import check_password from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core import signing from django.http import HttpResponseForbidden, HttpResponseBadRequest from django.shortcuts import redirect, render from hc.accounts.forms import (EmailPasswordForm, InviteTeamMemberForm, RemoveTeamMemberForm, ReportSettingsForm, SetPasswordForm, TeamNameForm) from hc.accounts.models import Profile, Member from hc.api.models import Channel, Check from hc.lib.badges import get_badge_url def _make_user(email): username = str(uuid.uuid4())[:30] user = User(username=username, email=email) user.set_unusable_password() profile = Profile(user=user) channel = Channel() channel.user = user channel.kind = "email" channel.value = email channel.email_verified = True return user def _associate_demo_check(request, user): if "welcome_code" not in request.session: return try: check = Check.objects.get(code=request.session["welcome_code"]) except Check.DoesNotExist: return # Only associate demo check if it doesn't have an owner already. if check.user: return check.user = user check.assign_all_channels() del request.session["welcome_code"] def login(request): bad_credentials = False if request.method == 'POST': form = EmailPasswordForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): email = form.cleaned_data["email"] password = form.cleaned_data["password"] if len(password): user = authenticate(username=email, password=password) if user is not None and user.is_active: auth_login(request, user) return redirect("hc-checks") bad_credentials = True else: try: user = User.objects.get(email=email) except User.DoesNotExist: user = _make_user(email) _associate_demo_check(request, user) user.profile.send_instant_login_link() return redirect("hc-login-link-sent") else: form = EmailPasswordForm() bad_link = request.session.pop("bad_link", None) ctx = { "form": form, "bad_credentials": bad_credentials, "bad_link": bad_link } return render(request, "accounts/login.html", ctx) def logout(request): auth_logout(request) return redirect("hc-index") def login_link_sent(request): return render(request, "accounts/login_link_sent.html") def set_password_link_sent(request): return render(request, "accounts/set_password_link_sent.html") def check_token(request, username, token): if request.user.is_authenticated and request.user.username == username: # User is already logged in return redirect("hc-checks") # Some email servers open links in emails to check for malicious content. # To work around this, we sign user in if the method is POST. # # If the method is GET, we instead serve a HTML form and a piece # of Javascript to automatically submit it. if request.method == "POST": user = authenticate(username=username, token=token) if user is not None and user.is_active: # This should get rid of "welcome_code" in session request.session.flush() user.profile.token = "" auth_login(request, user) return redirect("hc-checks") request.session["bad_link"] = True return redirect("hc-login") return render(request, "accounts/check_token_submit.html") @login_required def profile(request): profile = request.user.profile # Switch user back to its default team if profile.current_team_id != = profile profile.current_team_id = show_api_key = False if request.method == "POST": if "set_password" in request.POST: profile.send_set_password_link() return redirect("hc-set-password-link-sent") elif "create_api_key" in request.POST: profile.set_api_key() show_api_key = True messages.success(request, "The API key has been created!") elif "revoke_api_key" in request.POST: profile.api_key = "", "The API key has been revoked!") elif "show_api_key" in request.POST: show_api_key = True elif "update_reports_allowed" in request.POST: form = ReportSettingsForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): profile.reports_allowed = form.cleaned_data["reports_allowed"] messages.success(request, "Your settings have been updated!") elif "invite_team_member" in request.POST: if not profile.team_access_allowed: return HttpResponseForbidden() form = InviteTeamMemberForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): email = form.cleaned_data["email"] try: user = User.objects.get(email=email) except User.DoesNotExist: user = _make_user(email) profile.invite(user) messages.success(request, "Invitation to %s sent!" % email) elif "remove_team_member" in request.POST: form = RemoveTeamMemberForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): email = form.cleaned_data["email"] farewell_user = User.objects.get(email=email) farewell_user.profile.current_team = None Member.objects.filter(team=profile, user=farewell_user).delete(), "%s removed from team!" % email) elif "set_team_name" in request.POST: if not profile.team_access_allowed: return HttpResponseForbidden() form = TeamNameForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): profile.team_name = form.cleaned_data["team_name"] messages.success(request, "Team Name updated!") tags = set() for check in Check.objects.filter( tags.update(check.tags_list()) username = badge_urls = [] for tag in sorted(tags, key=lambda s: s.lower()): if not re.match("^[\w-]+$", tag): continue badge_urls.append(get_badge_url(username, tag)) ctx = { "page": "profile", "badge_urls": badge_urls, "profile": profile, "show_api_key": show_api_key } return render(request, "accounts/profile.html", ctx) @login_required def set_password(request, token): profile = request.user.profile if not check_password(token, profile.token): return HttpResponseBadRequest() if request.method == "POST": form = SetPasswordForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): password = form.cleaned_data["password"] request.user.set_password(password) profile.token = "" # Setting a password logs the user out, so here we # log them back in. u = authenticate(, password=password) auth_login(request, u) messages.success(request, "Your password has been set!") return redirect("hc-profile") return render(request, "accounts/set_password.html", {}) def unsubscribe_reports(request, username): try: signing.Signer().unsign(request.GET.get("token")) except signing.BadSignature: return HttpResponseBadRequest() user = User.objects.get(username=username) user.profile.reports_allowed = False return render(request, "accounts/unsubscribed.html") @login_required def switch_team(request, target_username): try: other_user = User.objects.get(username=target_username) except User.DoesNotExist: return HttpResponseForbidden() # The rules: # Superuser can switch to any team. access_ok = request.user.is_superuser # Users can switch to teams they are members of. if not access_ok and == access_ok = True # Users can switch to their own teams. if not access_ok: for membership in request.user.member_set.all(): if == access_ok = True break if not access_ok: return HttpResponseForbidden() request.user.profile.current_team = other_user.profile return redirect("hc-checks")