from datetime import timedelta as td import uuid from django.conf import settings from django.contrib import messages from django.contrib.auth import login as auth_login from django.contrib.auth import logout as auth_logout from django.contrib.auth import authenticate from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core import signing from django.http import ( HttpResponseForbidden, HttpResponseBadRequest, HttpResponseNotFound, ) from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect, render from django.utils.timezone import now from django.urls import resolve, Resolver404 from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.views.decorators.http import require_POST from hc.accounts.forms import ( ChangeEmailForm, PasswordLoginForm, InviteTeamMemberForm, RemoveTeamMemberForm, ReportSettingsForm, SetPasswordForm, ProjectNameForm, AvailableEmailForm, EmailLoginForm, ) from hc.accounts.models import Profile, Project, Member from hc.api.models import Channel, Check, TokenBucket from hc.payments.models import Subscription NEXT_WHITELIST = ( "hc-checks", "hc-details", "hc-log", "hc-channels", "hc-add-slack", "hc-add-pushover", ) def _is_whitelisted(path): try: match = resolve(path) except Resolver404: return False return match.url_name in NEXT_WHITELIST def _make_user(email, with_project=True): username = str(uuid.uuid4())[:30] user = User(username=username, email=email) user.set_unusable_password() project = None if with_project: project = Project(owner=user) project.badge_key = user.username check = Check(project=project) = "My First Check" channel = Channel(project=project) channel.kind = "email" channel.value = email channel.email_verified = True channel.checks.add(check) # Ensure a profile gets created profile = Profile.objects.for_user(user) profile.current_project = project return user def _redirect_after_login(request): """ Redirect to the URL indicated in ?next= query parameter. """ redirect_url = request.GET.get("next") if _is_whitelisted(redirect_url): return redirect(redirect_url) if request.user.project_set.count() == 1: project = request.user.project_set.first() return redirect("hc-checks", project.code) return redirect("hc-index") def login(request): form = PasswordLoginForm() magic_form = EmailLoginForm() if request.method == "POST": if request.POST.get("action") == "login": form = PasswordLoginForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): auth_login(request, form.user) return _redirect_after_login(request) else: magic_form = EmailLoginForm(request.POST) if magic_form.is_valid(): redirect_url = request.GET.get("next") if not _is_whitelisted(redirect_url): redirect_url = None profile = Profile.objects.for_user(magic_form.user) profile.send_instant_login_link(redirect_url=redirect_url) response = redirect("hc-login-link-sent") # check_token_submit looks for this cookie to decide if # it needs to do the extra POST step. response.set_cookie("auto-login", "1", max_age=300, httponly=True) return response bad_link = request.session.pop("bad_link", None) ctx = { "page": "login", "form": form, "magic_form": magic_form, "bad_link": bad_link, } return render(request, "accounts/login.html", ctx) def logout(request): auth_logout(request) return redirect("hc-index") @require_POST def signup(request): if not settings.REGISTRATION_OPEN: return HttpResponseForbidden() ctx = {} form = AvailableEmailForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): email = form.cleaned_data["identity"] user = _make_user(email) profile = Profile.objects.for_user(user) profile.send_instant_login_link() ctx["created"] = True else: ctx = {"form": form} return render(request, "accounts/signup_result.html", ctx) def login_link_sent(request): return render(request, "accounts/login_link_sent.html") def link_sent(request): return render(request, "accounts/link_sent.html") def check_token(request, username, token): if request.user.is_authenticated and request.user.username == username: # User is already logged in return _redirect_after_login(request) # Some email servers open links in emails to check for malicious content. # To work around this, we sign user in if the method is POST # *or* if the browser presents a cookie we had set when sending the login link. # # If the method is GET, we instead serve a HTML form and a piece # of Javascript to automatically submit it. if request.method == "POST" or "auto-login" in request.COOKIES: user = authenticate(username=username, token=token) if user is not None and user.is_active: user.profile.token = "" auth_login(request, user) return _redirect_after_login(request) request.session["bad_link"] = True return redirect("hc-login") return render(request, "accounts/check_token_submit.html") @login_required def profile(request): profile = request.profile ctx = {"page": "profile", "profile": profile, "my_projects_status": "default"} if request.method == "POST": if "change_email" in request.POST: profile.send_change_email_link() return redirect("hc-link-sent") elif "set_password" in request.POST: profile.send_set_password_link() return redirect("hc-link-sent") elif "leave_project" in request.POST: code = request.POST["code"] try: project = Project.objects.get(code=code, member__user=request.user) except Project.DoesNotExist: return HttpResponseBadRequest() if profile.current_project == project: profile.current_project = None Member.objects.filter(project=project, user=request.user).delete() ctx["left_project"] = project ctx["my_projects_status"] = "info" # Retrieve projects right before rendering the template-- # The list of the projects might have *just* changed ctx["projects"] = list(profile.projects()) return render(request, "accounts/profile.html", ctx) @login_required @require_POST def add_project(request): form = ProjectNameForm(request.POST) if not form.is_valid(): return HttpResponseBadRequest() project = Project(owner=request.user) project.code = project.badge_key = str(uuid.uuid4()) = form.cleaned_data["name"] return redirect("hc-checks", project.code) @login_required def project(request, code): if request.user.is_superuser: q = Project.objects else: q = request.profile.projects() try: project = q.get(code=code) except Project.DoesNotExist: return HttpResponseNotFound() is_owner = project.owner_id == ctx = { "page": "project", "project": project, "is_owner": is_owner, "show_api_keys": "show_api_keys" in request.GET, "project_name_status": "default", "api_status": "default", "team_status": "default", } if request.method == "POST": if "create_api_keys" in request.POST: project.set_api_keys() ctx["show_api_keys"] = True ctx["api_keys_created"] = True ctx["api_status"] = "success" elif "revoke_api_keys" in request.POST: project.api_key = "" project.api_key_readonly = "" ctx["api_keys_revoked"] = True ctx["api_status"] = "info" elif "show_api_keys" in request.POST: ctx["show_api_keys"] = True elif "invite_team_member" in request.POST: if not is_owner or not project.can_invite(): return HttpResponseForbidden() form = InviteTeamMemberForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): if not TokenBucket.authorize_invite(request.user): return render(request, "try_later.html") email = form.cleaned_data["email"] try: user = User.objects.get(email=email) except User.DoesNotExist: user = _make_user(email, with_project=False) project.invite(user) ctx["team_member_invited"] = email ctx["team_status"] = "success" elif "remove_team_member" in request.POST: if not is_owner: return HttpResponseForbidden() form = RemoveTeamMemberForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): q = User.objects q = q.filter(email=form.cleaned_data["email"]) q = q.filter(memberships__project=project) farewell_user = q.first() if farewell_user is None: return HttpResponseBadRequest() farewell_user.profile.current_project = None Member.objects.filter(project=project, user=farewell_user).delete() ctx["team_member_removed"] = form.cleaned_data["email"] ctx["team_status"] = "info" elif "set_project_name" in request.POST: form = ProjectNameForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): = form.cleaned_data["name"] if request.profile.current_project == project: = ctx["project_name_updated"] = True ctx["project_name_status"] = "success" # Count members right before rendering the template, in case # we just invited or removed someone ctx["num_members"] = project.member_set.count() return render(request, "accounts/project.html", ctx) @login_required def notifications(request): profile = request.profile ctx = {"status": "default", "page": "profile", "profile": profile} if request.method == "POST": form = ReportSettingsForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): if profile.reports_allowed != form.cleaned_data["reports_allowed"]: profile.reports_allowed = form.cleaned_data["reports_allowed"] if profile.reports_allowed: profile.next_report_date = now() + td(days=30) else: profile.next_report_date = None if profile.nag_period != form.cleaned_data["nag_period"]: # Set the new nag period profile.nag_period = form.cleaned_data["nag_period"] # and schedule next_nag_date: if profile.nag_period: profile.next_nag_date = now() + profile.nag_period else: profile.next_nag_date = None ctx["status"] = "info" return render(request, "accounts/notifications.html", ctx) @login_required def set_password(request, token): if not request.profile.check_token(token, "set-password"): return HttpResponseBadRequest() if request.method == "POST": form = SetPasswordForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): password = form.cleaned_data["password"] request.user.set_password(password) request.profile.token = "" # Setting a password logs the user out, so here we # log them back in. u = authenticate(, password=password) auth_login(request, u) messages.success(request, "Your password has been set!") return redirect("hc-profile") return render(request, "accounts/set_password.html", {}) @login_required def change_email(request, token): if not request.profile.check_token(token, "change-email"): return HttpResponseBadRequest() if request.method == "POST": form = ChangeEmailForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): = form.cleaned_data["email"] request.user.set_unusable_password() request.profile.token = "" return redirect("hc-change-email-done") else: form = ChangeEmailForm() return render(request, "accounts/change_email.html", {"form": form}) def change_email_done(request): return render(request, "accounts/change_email_done.html") @csrf_exempt def unsubscribe_reports(request, username): signer = signing.TimestampSigner(salt="reports") try: username = signer.unsign(username) except signing.BadSignature: return render(request, "bad_link.html") # Some email servers open links in emails to check for malicious content. # To work around this, we serve a form that auto-submits with JS. if "ask" in request.GET and request.method != "POST": return render(request, "accounts/unsubscribe_submit.html") user = User.objects.get(username=username) profile = Profile.objects.for_user(user) profile.reports_allowed = False profile.next_report_date = None profile.nag_period = td() profile.next_nag_date = None return render(request, "accounts/unsubscribed.html") @require_POST @login_required def close(request): user = request.user # Subscription needs to be canceled before it is deleted: sub = Subscription.objects.filter(user=user).first() if sub: sub.cancel() user.delete() # Deleting user also deletes its profile, checks, channels etc. request.session.flush() return redirect("hc-index") @require_POST @login_required def remove_project(request, code): project = get_object_or_404(Project, code=code, owner=request.user) project.delete() return redirect("hc-index")