{% load humanize hc_extras %}


This is a notification sent by healthchecks.io.

The check "{{ check.name_then_code }}" has gone {{ check.status }}.

Here is a summary of all your checks:

{% for check in checks %} {% endfor %}
Name Period Last Ping Actions
{% if check.get_status == "new" %} NEW {% elif check.get_status == "up" %} UP {% elif check.get_status == "grace" %} LATE {% elif check.get_status == "down" %} DOWN {% elif check.get_status == "paused" %} PAUSED {% endif %} {% if check.name %} {{ check.name }} {% else %} unnamed {% endif %} {% if check.tags %}
{{ check.tags }} {% endif %}
{{ check.timeout|hc_duration }} {% if check.last_ping %} {{ check.last_ping|naturaltime }} {% else %} Never {% endif %} View Log
