from django.contrib import admin from hc.api.models import Channel, Check, Notification, Ping class OwnershipListFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter): title = "Ownership" parameter_name = 'ownership' def lookups(self, request, model_admin): return ( ('assigned', "Assigned"), ) def queryset(self, request, queryset): if self.value() == 'assigned': return queryset.filter(user__isnull=False) return queryset @admin.register(Check) class ChecksAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): class Media: css = { 'all': ('css/admin/checks.css',) } list_display = ("id", "name", "created", "code", "status", "email", "last_ping") list_select_related = ("user", ) actions = ["send_alert"] list_filter = ("status", OwnershipListFilter) def email(self, obj): return if obj.user else None def send_alert(self, request, qs): for check in qs: check.send_alert() self.message_user(request, "%d alert(s) sent" % qs.count()) send_alert.short_description = "Send Alert" @admin.register(Ping) class PingsAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_select_related = ("owner", ) list_display = ("id", "created", "check_name", "email", "scheme", "method", "ua") def check_name(self, obj): return if else obj.owner.code def email(self, obj): return if obj.owner.user else None @admin.register(Channel) class ChannelsAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_select_related = ("user", ) list_display = ("id", "code", "user", "formatted_kind", "value") def formatted_kind(self, obj): if obj.kind == "pd": return "PagerDuty" elif obj.kind == "webhook": return "Webhook" elif obj.kind == "email" and obj.email_verified: return "Email" elif obj.kind == "email" and not obj.email_verified: return "Email (unverified)" else: raise NotImplementedError("Bad channel kind: %s" % obj.kind) formatted_kind.short_description = "Kind" formatted_kind.allow_tags = True @admin.register(Notification) class NotificationsAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_select_related = ("owner", "channel") list_display = ("id", "created", "check_status", "check_name", "channel_kind", "channel_value", "status") def check_name(self, obj): return obj.owner.name_then_code() def channel_kind(self, obj): return def channel_value(self, obj): return