{% extends "base.html" %} {% load compress humanize static hc_extras %} {% block title %}My Checks - {% site_name %}{% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% if events %}
{% for event in events %} {% if event.n %} {% endif %} {% if event.check_status %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
#{{ event.n }} {% if event.kind == "fail" %} Failure {% elif event.kind == "start" %} Started {% elif event.kind == "ign" %} Ignored {% else %} OK {% endif %} {% if event.delta %}
{{ event.delta|hms }}
{% endif %} {% if event.scheme == "email" %} {{ event.ua }} {% if event.body %} - {{ event.body|truncatechars:150 }} {% endif %} {% else %} {{ event.scheme|upper }} {{ event.method }} {% if event.remote_addr %} from {{ event.remote_addr }} {% endif %} {% if event.ua %} - {{ event.ua }} {% endif %} {% if event.body %} - {{ event.body|truncatechars:150 }} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if event.channel.kind == "email" %} Sent email alert to {{ event.channel.email_value }} {% elif event.channel.kind == "slack" %} Sent Slack alert {% if event.channel.slack_channel %} to {{ event.channel.slack_channel }} {% endif %} {% elif event.channel.kind == "pd" %} Sent alert to PagerDuty {% elif event.channel.kind == "pagertree" %} Sent alert to PagerTree {% elif event.channel.kind == "pagerteam" %} Sent alert to Pager Team {% elif event.channel.kind == "opsgenie" %} Sent alert to OpsGenie {% elif event.channel.kind == "hipchat" %} Sent alert to HipChat {% elif event.channel.kind == "po" %} Sent a Pushover notification {% elif event.channel.kind == "webhook" %} Called webhook {{ event.channel.url_down }} {% else %} Sent alert to {{ event.channel.kind|capfirst }} {% endif %} {% if event.error %}
Error: {{ event.error }} {% endif %}
{% if show_limit_notice and limit < 1000 %}

Showing last {{ limit }} pings. Want to see more? Upgrade your account!

{% endif %}
{% else %}
Log is empty. This check has not received any pings yet.
{% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block scripts %} {% compress js %} {% endcompress %} {% endblock %}