{% extends "base.html" %} {% load compress humanize static hc_extras %} {% block title %}Integrations - {{ site_name }}{% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% if messages %}
{% for message in messages %}

{{ message }}

{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if channels %} {% for ch in channels %} {% with n=ch.latest_notification %} {% endwith %} {% endfor %}
Name, Details Assigned Checks Status Last Notification
{{ ch.get_kind_display }} icon
{% if ch.name %} {{ ch.name }} {% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if ch.kind == "email" %} Email to {{ ch.email_value }} {% if ch.email_notify_down and not ch.email_notify_up %} (down only) {% endif %} {% if ch.email_notify_up and not ch.email_notify_down %} (up only) {% endif %} {% elif ch.kind == "pd" %} PagerDuty account {{ ch.pd_account }} {% elif ch.kind == "po" %} Pushover ({{ ch.po_priority }} priority) {% elif ch.kind == "slack" %} Slack {% if ch.slack_team %} team {{ ch.slack_team }}, channel {{ ch.slack_channel }} {% endif %} {% elif ch.kind == "telegram" %} Telegram {% if ch.telegram_type == "group" %} chat {{ ch.telegram_name }} {% elif ch.telegram_type == "private" %} user {{ ch.telegram_name }} {% endif %} {% elif ch.kind == "sms" %} SMS to {{ ch.phone_number }} {% elif ch.kind == "call" %} Phone call to {{ ch.phone_number }} {% elif ch.kind == "trello" %} Trello board {{ ch.trello_board_list|first }}, list {{ ch.trello_board_list|last }} {% elif ch.kind == "matrix" %} Matrix {{ ch.value }} {% elif ch.kind == "whatsapp" %} WhatsApp to {{ ch.phone_number }} {% if ch.whatsapp_notify_down and not ch.whatsapp_notify_up %} (down only) {% endif %} {% if ch.whatsapp_notify_up and not ch.whatsapp_notify_down %} (up only) {% endif %} {% elif ch.kind == "zulip" %} Zulip {% if ch.zulip_type == "stream" %} stream {{ ch.zulip_to}} {% elif ch.zulip_type == "private" %} user {{ ch.zulip_to}} {% endif %} {% else %} {{ ch.get_kind_display }} {% endif %}
{{ ch.n_checks }} check{{ ch.n_checks|pluralize }}
{% if ch.kind == "email" and not ch.email_verified %} Unconfirmed {% elif ch.kind == "hipchat" or ch.kind == "pagerteam" %} Retired {% else %} Ready to deliver {% endif %} {% if n %} {% if n.error %} Failed, {{ n.created|naturaltime }} {% else %} Delivered, {{ n.created|naturaltime }} {% endif %} {% else %} Never {% endif %} {% if ch.kind == "sms" or ch.kind == "whatsapp" %}

Used {{ profile.sms_sent_this_month }} of {{ profile.sms_limit }} sends this month.

{% endif %} {% if ch.kind == "call" %}

Used {{ profile.calls_sent_this_month }} of {{ profile.call_limit }} phone calls this month.

{% endif %}
{% if ch.kind == "webhook" and rw %} Edit {% endif %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% if rw %} {% endif %}
{% else %}

The project "{{ project }}" does not have any integrations set up yet.

With no configured integrations, {{ site_name }} will not send any notifications when checks change state.

{% endif %} {% if rw %}

Add More

{% endif %}
{% if rw %} {% for ch in channels %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block scripts %} {% compress js %} {% endcompress %} {% endblock %}