# coding: utf-8 import hashlib import json import time import uuid from datetime import datetime, timedelta as td from croniter import croniter from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.db import models from django.urls import reverse from django.utils import timezone from hc.api import transports from hc.lib import emails import requests STATUSES = ( ("up", "Up"), ("down", "Down"), ("new", "New"), ("paused", "Paused") ) DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = td(days=1) DEFAULT_GRACE = td(hours=1) CHECK_KINDS = (("simple", "Simple"), ("cron", "Cron")) CHANNEL_KINDS = (("email", "Email"), ("webhook", "Webhook"), ("hipchat", "HipChat"), ("slack", "Slack"), ("pd", "PagerDuty"), ("pagertree", "PagerTree"), ("po", "Pushover"), ("pushbullet", "Pushbullet"), ("opsgenie", "OpsGenie"), ("victorops", "VictorOps"), ("discord", "Discord"), ("telegram", "Telegram"), ("sms", "SMS"), ("zendesk", "Zendesk")) PO_PRIORITIES = { -2: "lowest", -1: "low", 0: "normal", 1: "high", 2: "emergency" } def isostring(dt): """Convert the datetime to ISO 8601 format with no microseconds. """ return dt.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() class Check(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True) tags = models.CharField(max_length=500, blank=True) code = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False, db_index=True) user = models.ForeignKey(User, models.CASCADE, blank=True, null=True) created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) kind = models.CharField(max_length=10, default="simple", choices=CHECK_KINDS) timeout = models.DurationField(default=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) grace = models.DurationField(default=DEFAULT_GRACE) schedule = models.CharField(max_length=100, default="* * * * *") tz = models.CharField(max_length=36, default="UTC") n_pings = models.IntegerField(default=0) last_ping = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) last_ping_body = models.CharField(max_length=10000, blank=True) alert_after = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True, editable=False) status = models.CharField(max_length=6, choices=STATUSES, default="new") def name_then_code(self): if self.name: return self.name return str(self.code) def url(self): return settings.PING_ENDPOINT + str(self.code) def log_url(self): return settings.SITE_ROOT + reverse("hc-log", args=[self.code]) def email(self): return "%s@%s" % (self.code, settings.PING_EMAIL_DOMAIN) def send_alert(self): if self.status not in ("up", "down"): raise NotImplementedError("Unexpected status: %s" % self.status) errors = [] for channel in self.channel_set.all(): error = channel.notify(self) if error not in ("", "no-op"): errors.append((channel, error)) return errors def get_grace_start(self): """ Return the datetime when grace period starts. """ # The common case, grace starts after timeout if self.kind == "simple": return self.last_ping + self.timeout # The complex case, next ping is expected based on cron schedule with timezone.override(self.tz): last_naive = timezone.make_naive(self.last_ping) it = croniter(self.schedule, last_naive) next_naive = it.get_next(datetime) return timezone.make_aware(next_naive, is_dst=False) def get_status(self, now=None): """ Return "up" if the check is up or in grace, otherwise "down". """ if self.status in ("new", "paused"): return self.status if now is None: now = timezone.now() return "up" if self.get_grace_start() + self.grace > now else "down" def get_alert_after(self): """ Return the datetime when check potentially goes down. """ return self.get_grace_start() + self.grace def in_grace_period(self): """ Return True if check is currently in grace period. """ if self.status in ("new", "paused"): return False grace_start = self.get_grace_start() grace_end = grace_start + self.grace return grace_start < timezone.now() < grace_end def assign_all_channels(self): if self.user: channels = Channel.objects.filter(user=self.user) self.channel_set.add(*channels) def tags_list(self): return [t.strip() for t in self.tags.split(" ") if t.strip()] def matches_tag_set(self, tag_set): return tag_set.issubset(self.tags_list()) def to_dict(self): update_rel_url = reverse("hc-api-update", args=[self.code]) pause_rel_url = reverse("hc-api-pause", args=[self.code]) result = { "name": self.name, "ping_url": self.url(), "update_url": settings.SITE_ROOT + update_rel_url, "pause_url": settings.SITE_ROOT + pause_rel_url, "tags": self.tags, "grace": int(self.grace.total_seconds()), "n_pings": self.n_pings, "status": self.get_status() } if self.kind == "simple": result["timeout"] = int(self.timeout.total_seconds()) elif self.kind == "cron": result["schedule"] = self.schedule result["tz"] = self.tz if self.last_ping: result["last_ping"] = isostring(self.last_ping) result["next_ping"] = isostring(self.get_grace_start()) else: result["last_ping"] = None result["next_ping"] = None return result def has_confirmation_link(self): return "confirm" in self.last_ping_body.lower() def ping(self, remote_addr, scheme, method, ua, body): self.n_pings = models.F("n_pings") + 1 self.last_ping = timezone.now() self.last_ping_body = body[:10000] self.alert_after = self.get_alert_after() if self.status in ("new", "paused"): self.status = "up" self.save() self.refresh_from_db() ping = Ping(owner=self) ping.n = self.n_pings ping.remote_addr = remote_addr ping.scheme = scheme ping.method = method # If User-Agent is longer than 200 characters, truncate it: ping.ua = ua[:200] ping.save() class Ping(models.Model): id = models.BigAutoField(primary_key=True) n = models.IntegerField(null=True) owner = models.ForeignKey(Check, models.CASCADE) created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) scheme = models.CharField(max_length=10, default="http") remote_addr = models.GenericIPAddressField(blank=True, null=True) method = models.CharField(max_length=10, blank=True) ua = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=True) class Channel(models.Model): code = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False) user = models.ForeignKey(User, models.CASCADE) created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) kind = models.CharField(max_length=20, choices=CHANNEL_KINDS) value = models.TextField(blank=True) email_verified = models.BooleanField(default=False) checks = models.ManyToManyField(Check) def assign_all_checks(self): checks = Check.objects.filter(user=self.user) self.checks.add(*checks) def make_token(self): seed = "%s%s" % (self.code, settings.SECRET_KEY) seed = seed.encode("utf8") return hashlib.sha1(seed).hexdigest() def send_verify_link(self): args = [self.code, self.make_token()] verify_link = reverse("hc-verify-email", args=args) verify_link = settings.SITE_ROOT + verify_link emails.verify_email(self.value, {"verify_link": verify_link}) def get_unsub_link(self): args = [self.code, self.make_token()] verify_link = reverse("hc-unsubscribe-alerts", args=args) return settings.SITE_ROOT + verify_link @property def transport(self): if self.kind == "email": return transports.Email(self) elif self.kind == "webhook": return transports.Webhook(self) elif self.kind == "slack": return transports.Slack(self) elif self.kind == "hipchat": return transports.HipChat(self) elif self.kind == "pd": return transports.PagerDuty(self) elif self.kind == "pagertree": return transports.PagerTree(self) elif self.kind == "victorops": return transports.VictorOps(self) elif self.kind == "pushbullet": return transports.Pushbullet(self) elif self.kind == "po": return transports.Pushover(self) elif self.kind == "opsgenie": return transports.OpsGenie(self) elif self.kind == "discord": return transports.Discord(self) elif self.kind == "telegram": return transports.Telegram(self) elif self.kind == "sms": return transports.Sms(self) elif self.kind == "zendesk": return transports.Zendesk(self) else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown channel kind: %s" % self.kind) def notify(self, check): if self.transport.is_noop(check): return "no-op" n = Notification(owner=check, channel=self) n.check_status = check.status n.error = "Sending" n.save() if self.kind == "email": error = self.transport.notify(check, n.bounce_url()) or "" else: error = self.transport.notify(check) or "" n.error = error n.save() return error @property def po_value(self): assert self.kind == "po" user_key, prio = self.value.split("|") prio = int(prio) return user_key, prio, PO_PRIORITIES[prio] @property def url_down(self): assert self.kind == "webhook" if not self.value.startswith("{"): parts = self.value.split("\n") return parts[0] doc = json.loads(self.value) return doc.get("url_down") @property def url_up(self): assert self.kind == "webhook" if not self.value.startswith("{"): parts = self.value.split("\n") return parts[1] if len(parts) > 1 else "" doc = json.loads(self.value) return doc.get("url_up") @property def post_data(self): assert self.kind == "webhook" if not self.value.startswith("{"): parts = self.value.split("\n") return parts[2] if len(parts) > 2 else "" doc = json.loads(self.value) return doc.get("post_data") @property def headers(self): assert self.kind == "webhook" if not self.value.startswith("{"): return {} doc = json.loads(self.value) return doc.get("headers", {}) @property def slack_team(self): assert self.kind == "slack" if not self.value.startswith("{"): return None doc = json.loads(self.value) return doc["team_name"] @property def slack_channel(self): assert self.kind == "slack" if not self.value.startswith("{"): return None doc = json.loads(self.value) return doc["incoming_webhook"]["channel"] @property def slack_webhook_url(self): assert self.kind == "slack" if not self.value.startswith("{"): return self.value doc = json.loads(self.value) return doc["incoming_webhook"]["url"] @property def discord_webhook_url(self): assert self.kind == "discord" doc = json.loads(self.value) return doc["webhook"]["url"] @property def discord_webhook_id(self): assert self.kind == "discord" doc = json.loads(self.value) return doc["webhook"]["id"] @property def telegram_id(self): assert self.kind == "telegram" doc = json.loads(self.value) return doc.get("id") @property def telegram_type(self): assert self.kind == "telegram" doc = json.loads(self.value) return doc.get("type") @property def telegram_name(self): assert self.kind == "telegram" doc = json.loads(self.value) return doc.get("name") def refresh_hipchat_access_token(self): assert self.kind == "hipchat" if not self.value.startswith("{"): return # Don't have OAuth credentials doc = json.loads(self.value) if time.time() < doc.get("expires_at", 0): return # Current access token is still valid url = "https://api.hipchat.com/v2/oauth/token" auth = (doc["oauthId"], doc["oauthSecret"]) r = requests.post(url, auth=auth, data={ "grant_type": "client_credentials", "scope": "send_notification" }) doc.update(r.json()) doc["expires_at"] = int(time.time()) + doc["expires_in"] - 300 self.value = json.dumps(doc) self.save() @property def hipchat_webhook_url(self): assert self.kind == "hipchat" if not self.value.startswith("{"): return self.value doc = json.loads(self.value) tmpl = "https://api.hipchat.com/v2/room/%s/notification?auth_token=%s" return tmpl % (doc["roomId"], doc.get("access_token")) @property def pd_service_key(self): assert self.kind == "pd" if not self.value.startswith("{"): return self.value doc = json.loads(self.value) return doc["service_key"] @property def pd_account(self): assert self.kind == "pd" if self.value.startswith("{"): doc = json.loads(self.value) return doc["account"] @property def zendesk_token(self): assert self.kind == "zendesk" doc = json.loads(self.value) return doc["access_token"] @property def zendesk_subdomain(self): assert self.kind == "zendesk" doc = json.loads(self.value) return doc["subdomain"] def latest_notification(self): return Notification.objects.filter(channel=self).latest() class Notification(models.Model): class Meta: get_latest_by = "created" code = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, null=True, editable=False) owner = models.ForeignKey(Check, models.CASCADE) check_status = models.CharField(max_length=6) channel = models.ForeignKey(Channel, models.CASCADE) created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) error = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=True) def bounce_url(self): return settings.SITE_ROOT + reverse("hc-api-bounce", args=[self.code])