from datetime import timedelta
import random
from secrets import token_urlsafe
from urllib.parse import quote, urlencode
import uuid
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.hashers import check_password, make_password
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core.signing import TimestampSigner
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Count, Q
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils import timezone
from fido2.ctap2 import AttestedCredentialData
from hc.lib import emails
from import month_boundaries
import pytz
NO_NAG = timedelta()
(NO_NAG, "Disabled"),
(timedelta(hours=1), "Hourly"),
(timedelta(days=1), "Daily"),
REPORT_CHOICES = (("off", "Off"), ("weekly", "Weekly"), ("monthly", "Monthly"))
def month(dt):
""" For a given datetime, return the matching first-day-of-month date. """
class ProfileManager(models.Manager):
def for_user(self, user):
return user.profile
except Profile.DoesNotExist:
profile = Profile(user=user)
if not settings.USE_PAYMENTS:
# If not using payments, set high limits
profile.check_limit = 500
profile.sms_limit = 500
profile.call_limit = 500
profile.team_limit = 500
return profile
class Profile(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneField(User, models.CASCADE, blank=True, null=True)
next_report_date = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
reports = models.CharField(max_length=10, default="monthly", choices=REPORT_CHOICES)
nag_period = models.DurationField(default=NO_NAG, choices=NAG_PERIODS)
next_nag_date = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
ping_log_limit = models.IntegerField(default=100)
check_limit = models.IntegerField(default=20)
token = models.CharField(max_length=128, blank=True)
last_sms_date = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
sms_limit = models.IntegerField(default=5)
sms_sent = models.IntegerField(default=0)
last_call_date = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
call_limit = models.IntegerField(default=0)
calls_sent = models.IntegerField(default=0)
team_limit = models.IntegerField(default=2)
sort = models.CharField(max_length=20, default="created")
deletion_notice_date = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
last_active_date = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
tz = models.CharField(max_length=36, default="UTC")
theme = models.CharField(max_length=10, null=True, blank=True)
totp = models.CharField(max_length=32, null=True, blank=True)
totp_created = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
objects = ProfileManager()
def __str__(self):
return "Profile for %s" %
def notifications_url(self):
return settings.SITE_ROOT + reverse("hc-notifications")
def reports_unsub_url(self):
signer = TimestampSigner(salt="reports")
signed_username = signer.sign(self.user.username)
path = reverse("hc-unsubscribe-reports", args=[signed_username])
return settings.SITE_ROOT + path
def prepare_token(self, salt):
token = token_urlsafe(24)
self.token = make_password(token, salt)
return token
def check_token(self, token, salt):
return salt in self.token and check_password(token, self.token)
def send_instant_login_link(self, inviting_project=None, redirect_url=None):
token = self.prepare_token("login")
path = reverse("hc-check-token", args=[self.user.username, token])
if redirect_url:
path += "?next=%s" % redirect_url
ctx = {
"button_text": "Sign In",
"button_url": settings.SITE_ROOT + path,
"inviting_project": inviting_project,
emails.login(, ctx)
def send_transfer_request(self, project):
token = self.prepare_token("login")
settings_path = reverse("hc-project-settings", args=[project.code])
path = reverse("hc-check-token", args=[self.user.username, token])
path += "?next=%s" % settings_path
ctx = {
"button_text": "Project Settings",
"button_url": settings.SITE_ROOT + path,
"project": project,
emails.transfer_request(, ctx)
def send_sms_limit_notice(self, transport):
ctx = {"transport": transport, "limit": self.sms_limit}
if self.sms_limit != 500 and settings.USE_PAYMENTS:
ctx["url"] = settings.SITE_ROOT + reverse("hc-pricing")
emails.sms_limit(, ctx)
def send_call_limit_notice(self):
ctx = {"limit": self.call_limit}
if self.call_limit != 500 and settings.USE_PAYMENTS:
ctx["url"] = settings.SITE_ROOT + reverse("hc-pricing")
emails.call_limit(, ctx)
def projects(self):
""" Return a queryset of all projects we have access to. """
is_owner = Q(owner_id=self.user_id)
is_member = Q(member__user_id=self.user_id)
q = Project.objects.filter(is_owner | is_member)
return q.distinct().order_by("name")
def annotated_projects(self):
""" Return all projects, annotated with 'n_down'. """
# Subquery for getting project ids
project_ids = self.projects().values("id")
# Main query with the n_down annotation.
# Must use the subquery, otherwise ORM gets confused by
# joins and group by's
q = Project.objects.filter(id__in=project_ids)
n_down = Count("check", filter=Q(check__status="down"))
q = q.annotate(n_down=n_down)
return q.order_by("name")
def checks_from_all_projects(self):
""" Return a queryset of checks from projects we have access to. """
project_ids = self.projects().values("id")
from hc.api.models import Check
return Check.objects.filter(project_id__in=project_ids)
def send_report(self, nag=False):
checks = self.checks_from_all_projects()
# Has there been a ping in last 6 months?
result = checks.aggregate(models.Max("last_ping"))
last_ping = result["last_ping__max"]
six_months_ago = - timedelta(days=180)
if last_ping is None or last_ping < six_months_ago:
return False
# Is there at least one check that is down?
num_down = checks.filter(status="down").count()
if nag and num_down == 0:
return False
# Sort checks by project. Need this because will group by project in
# template.
checks = checks.select_related("project")
checks = checks.order_by("project_id")
# list() executes the query, to avoid DB access while
# rendering the template
checks = list(checks)
unsub_url = self.reports_unsub_url()
headers = {
"List-Unsubscribe": "<%s>" % unsub_url,
"X-Bounce-Url": unsub_url,
"List-Unsubscribe-Post": "List-Unsubscribe=One-Click",
boundaries = month_boundaries(months=3)
# throw away the current month, keep two previous months
ctx = {
"checks": checks,
"sort": self.sort,
"unsub_link": unsub_url,
"notifications_url": self.notifications_url(),
"nag": nag,
"nag_period": self.nag_period.total_seconds(),
"num_down": num_down,
"month_boundaries": boundaries,
"monthly_or_weekly": self.reports,
|, ctx, headers)
return True
def sms_sent_this_month(self):
# IF last_sms_date was never set, we have not sent any messages yet.
if not self.last_sms_date:
return 0
# If last sent date is not from this month, we've sent 0 this month.
if month( > month(self.last_sms_date):
return 0
return self.sms_sent
def authorize_sms(self):
""" If monthly limit not exceeded, increase counter and return True """
sent_this_month = self.sms_sent_this_month()
if sent_this_month >= self.sms_limit:
return False
self.sms_sent = sent_this_month + 1
self.last_sms_date =
return True
def calls_sent_this_month(self):
# IF last_call_date was never set, we have not made any phone calls yet.
if not self.last_call_date:
return 0
# If last sent date is not from this month, we've made 0 calls this month.
if month( > month(self.last_call_date):
return 0
return self.calls_sent
def authorize_call(self):
""" If monthly limit not exceeded, increase counter and return True """
sent_this_month = self.calls_sent_this_month()
if sent_this_month >= self.call_limit:
return False
self.calls_sent = sent_this_month + 1
self.last_call_date =
return True
def num_checks_used(self):
from hc.api.models import Check
return Check.objects.filter(project__owner_id=self.user_id).count()
def num_checks_available(self):
return self.check_limit - self.num_checks_used()
def can_accept(self, project):
return project.num_checks() <= self.num_checks_available()
def update_next_nag_date(self):
any_down = self.checks_from_all_projects().filter(status="down").exists()
if any_down and self.next_nag_date is None and self.nag_period:
self.next_nag_date = + self.nag_period
elif not any_down and self.next_nag_date:
self.next_nag_date = None
def choose_next_report_date(self):
""" Calculate the target date for the next monthly/weekly report.
Monthly reports should get sent on 1st of each month, between
9AM and 11AM in user's timezone.
Weekly reports should get sent on Mondays, between
9AM and 11AM in user's timezone.
if self.reports == "off":
return None
tz = pytz.timezone(
dt =
dt = dt.replace(hour=9, minute=0) + timedelta(minutes=random.randrange(0, 120))
while True:
dt += timedelta(days=1)
if self.reports == "monthly" and == 1:
return dt
elif self.reports == "weekly" and dt.weekday() == 0:
return dt
class Project(models.Model):
code = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, unique=True)
name = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=True)
owner = models.ForeignKey(User, models.CASCADE)
api_key = models.CharField(max_length=128, blank=True, db_index=True)
api_key_readonly = models.CharField(max_length=128, blank=True, db_index=True)
badge_key = models.CharField(max_length=150, unique=True)
ping_key = models.CharField(max_length=128, blank=True, null=True, unique=True)
show_slugs = models.BooleanField(default=False)
def __str__(self):
return or
def owner_profile(self):
return Profile.objects.for_user(self.owner)
def num_checks(self):
return self.check_set.count()
def num_checks_available(self):
return self.owner_profile.num_checks_available()
def invite_suggestions(self):
q = User.objects.filter(memberships__project__owner_id=self.owner_id)
q = q.exclude(memberships__project=self)
return q.distinct().order_by("email")
def can_invite_new_users(self):
q = User.objects.filter(memberships__project__owner_id=self.owner_id)
used = q.distinct().count()
return used < self.owner_profile.team_limit
def invite(self, user, role):
if Member.objects.filter(user=user, project=self).exists():
return False
if self.owner_id ==
return False
Member.objects.create(user=user, project=self, role=role)
checks_url = reverse("hc-checks", args=[self.code])
user.profile.send_instant_login_link(self, redirect_url=checks_url)
return True
def update_next_nag_dates(self):
""" Update next_nag_date on profiles of all members of this project. """
is_owner = Q(user_id=self.owner_id)
is_member = Q(user__memberships__project=self)
q = Profile.objects.filter(is_owner | is_member).exclude(nag_period=NO_NAG)
for profile in q:
def overall_status(self):
if not hasattr(self, "_overall_status"):
self._overall_status = "up"
for check in self.check_set.all():
check_status = check.get_status()
if check_status == "grace" and self._overall_status == "up":
self._overall_status = "grace"
elif check_status == "down":
self._overall_status = "down"
return self._overall_status
def get_n_down(self):
result = 0
for check in self.check_set.all():
if check.get_status() == "down":
result += 1
return result
def have_channel_issues(self):
errors = list(self.channel_set.values_list("last_error", flat=True))
# It's a problem if a project has no integrations at all
if len(errors) == 0:
return True
# It's a problem if any integration has a logged error
return True if max(errors) else False
def transfer_request(self):
return self.member_set.filter(transfer_request_date__isnull=False).first()
def dashboard_url(self):
if not self.api_key_readonly:
return None
frag = urlencode({self.api_key_readonly: str(self)}, quote_via=quote)
return reverse("hc-dashboard") + "#" + frag
def checks_url(self):
return settings.SITE_ROOT + reverse("hc-checks", args=[self.code])
class Member(models.Model):
class Role(models.TextChoices):
READONLY = "r", "Read-only"
REGULAR = "w", "Member"
MANAGER = "m", "Manager"
user = models.ForeignKey(User, models.CASCADE, related_name="memberships")
project = models.ForeignKey(Project, models.CASCADE)
transfer_request_date = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
role = models.CharField(max_length=1, default=Role.REGULAR, choices=Role.choices)
class Meta:
constraints = [
fields=["user", "project"], name="accounts_member_no_duplicates"
def can_accept(self):
return self.user.profile.can_accept(self.project)
def is_rw(self):
return self.role in (Member.Role.REGULAR, Member.Role.MANAGER)
class Credential(models.Model):
code = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, unique=True)
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
user = models.ForeignKey(User, models.CASCADE, related_name="credentials")
created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
data = models.BinaryField()
def unpack(self):
unpacked, remaining_data = AttestedCredentialData.unpack_from(
return unpacked