import smtplib
from threading import Thread
import time
from django.conf import settings
from django.templatetags.static import static
from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives
from django.template.loader import render_to_string as render
class EmailThread(Thread):
def __init__(self, message):
self.message = message
def run(self):
for attempt in range(0, self.MAX_TRIES):
# Make sure each retry creates a new connection:
self.message.connection = None
# No exception--great! Return from the retry loop
except smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected as e:
if attempt + 1 == self.MAX_TRIES:
# This was the last attempt and it failed:
# re-raise the exception
raise e
# Wait 1s before retrying
def make_message(name, to, ctx, headers={}):
ctx["site_logo_url"] = settings.SITE_LOGO_URL or static("img/logo.png")
if ctx["site_logo_url"].startswith("/"):
# If it's a relative URL, prepend SITE_ROOT
ctx["site_logo_url"] = settings.SITE_ROOT + ctx["site_logo_url"]
subject = render("emails/%s-subject.html" % name, ctx).strip()
body = render("emails/%s-body-text.html" % name, ctx)
html = render("emails/%s-body-html.html" % name, ctx)
msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, body, to=(to,), headers=headers)
msg.attach_alternative(html, "text/html")
return msg
def send(msg, block=False):
t = EmailThread(msg)
if block or hasattr(settings, "BLOCKING_EMAILS"):
# In tests, we send emails synchronously
# so we can inspect the outgoing messages
# Outside tests, we send emails on thread,
# so there is no delay for the user.
def login(to, ctx):
send(make_message("login", to, ctx))
def transfer_request(to, ctx):
send(make_message("transfer-request", to, ctx))
def alert(to, ctx, headers={}):
send(make_message("alert", to, ctx, headers=headers))
def verify_email(to, ctx):
send(make_message("verify-email", to, ctx))
def report(to, ctx, headers={}):
m = make_message("report", to, ctx, headers=headers)
send(m, block=True)
def deletion_notice(to, ctx, headers={}):
m = make_message("deletion-notice", to, ctx, headers=headers)
send(m, block=True)
def sms_limit(to, ctx):
send(make_message("sms-limit", to, ctx))
def call_limit(to, ctx):
send(make_message("phone-call-limit", to, ctx))
def sudo_code(to, ctx):
send(make_message("sudo-code", to, ctx))