from django.test.utils import override_settings
from hc.api.models import Channel
from hc.test import BaseTestCase
@override_settings(PUSHOVER_API_TOKEN="token", PUSHOVER_SUBSCRIPTION_URL="url")
class AddChannelTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def test_it_adds_email(self):
url = "/integrations/add/"
form = {"kind": "email", "value": "[email protected]"}
self.client.login(username="[email protected]", password="password")
r =, form)
self.assertRedirects(r, "/integrations/")
assert Channel.objects.count() == 1
def test_team_access_works(self):
url = "/integrations/add/"
form = {"kind": "email", "value": "[email protected]"}
self.client.login(username="[email protected]", password="password")
|, form)
ch = Channel.objects.get()
# Added by bob, but should belong to alice (bob has team access)
self.assertEqual(ch.user, self.alice)
def test_it_trims_whitespace(self):
""" Leading and trailing whitespace should get trimmed. """
url = "/integrations/add/"
form = {"kind": "email", "value": " [email protected] "}
self.client.login(username="[email protected]", password="password")
|, form)
q = Channel.objects.filter(value="[email protected]")
self.assertEqual(q.count(), 1)
def test_it_rejects_bad_kind(self):
url = "/integrations/add/"
form = {"kind": "dog", "value": "Lassie"}
self.client.login(username="[email protected]", password="password")
r =, form)
assert r.status_code == 400, r.status_code
def test_instructions_work(self):
self.client.login(username="[email protected]", password="password")
kinds = ("email", "webhook", "pd", "pushover", "hipchat", "victorops")
for frag in kinds:
url = "/integrations/add_%s/" % frag
r = self.client.get(url)
self.assertContains(r, "Integration Settings", status_code=200)