- //-------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // GRAND LARCENY Property creation and management script
- //
- // by damospiderman 2008
- //
- //-------------------------------------------------------
- #include <a_samp>
- #include "../include/gl_common.inc"
- //#define USE_SQLITE
- #define PROP_VW (10000)
- #define MAX_INTERIORS (146)
- #define MAX_PROPERTIES (1000)
- #define PROPERTY_FOLDER "properties" // Location of properties file
- #define PROPERTY_UNIQID_FILE "properties/uniqId.txt" // Location of Uniq Interior Info
- #define DB_PROPERTIES "properties/dbProperties.db" // Location of the properties Database
- #define MAX_TYPES (5)
- #define TYPE_EMPTY (0)
- #define TYPE_HOUSE (1)
- #define TYPE_BUSINESS (2)
- #define TYPE_BANK (3)
- #define TYPE_COP (4)
- enum // Property Type Enum
- tIcon,
- tName[32]
- }
- enum // Uniq Interiors Enum
- inIntID,
- Float:inExitX,
- Float:inExitY,
- Float:inExitZ,
- Float:inExitA,
- inName[64]
- };
- enum // Properties Enum
- eInterior,
- eType,
- Float:eEntX,
- Float:eEntY,
- Float:eEntZ,
- Float:eEntA,
- eUniqIntId,
- eOwner,
- ePrice,
- ePname[64]
- };
- // [ uniq property id ]
- new unid;
- // [ Array of all the property interior info ]
- new interiorInfo[MAX_INTERIORS][E_INTERIORS];
- // [ Pickup array with property id assigned via array slot ( pickupid ) ]
- new propPickups[MAX_PROPERTIES] = {-1};
- // [ Handles for 3D text displayed at property entrances ]
- new Text3D:propTextInfo[MAX_PROPERTIES];
- // [ Mass array of all the properties and info about them ]
- // [ The last pickup the player went through so they can do /enter command ]
- new lastPickup[MAX_PLAYERS] = {-1};
- // [ Current property Unique Interior the player is in.. defaults to -1 when not in any property ]
- new currentInt[MAX_PLAYERS] = {-1};
- // [ Player Position array to store the last place the player was before /view command so they can be teleported back ]
- new Float:plPos[MAX_PLAYERS][3];
- // [ Players actual interior id used for /view /return command ]
- new plInt[MAX_PLAYERS];
- // [ Array of property type iconid's and strings for property type ]
- new propIcons[MAX_TYPES][E_P_TYPES] = {
- { 0, "" }, // TYPE_EMPTY ( not used )
- { 1273, "House" }, // TYPE_HOUSE green house icon
- { 1272, "Business" }, // TYPE_BUSINESS blue house icon
- { 1274, "Bank" }, // TYPE_BANK dollar sign icon
- { 1247, "Police Station" } // TYPE_COP Bribe Star 1247
- };
- new propFile[MAX_TYPES][64] = {
- { "blank" },
- { "properties/houses.txt" },
- { "properties/businesses.txt" },
- { "properties/banks.txt" },
- { "properties/police.txt" }
- };
- // Keep track of what properties we've sent an /enter notification for
- new gLastPropertyEnterNotification[MAX_PLAYERS];
- /********************************
- * Interior Info Functions *
- ********************************/
- stock Float:GetInteriorExit( id, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z ){
- if( id > MAX_INTERIORS ) return 0.0;
- else {
- x = interiorInfo[id][inExitX];
- y = interiorInfo[id][inExitY];
- z = interiorInfo[id][inExitZ];
- return interiorInfo[id][inExitA];
- }
- }
- // Gets interior exit info from uniq Interior Id. Returns InteriorId or -1 if interior doesn't exist
- stock GetInteriorExitInfo( uniqIntId, &Float:exitX, &Float:exitY, &Float:exitZ, &Float:exitA ){
- if( uniqIntId < MAX_INTERIORS ){
- exitX = interiorInfo[uniqIntId][inExitX];
- exitY = interiorInfo[uniqIntId][inExitY];
- exitZ = interiorInfo[uniqIntId][inExitZ];
- exitA = interiorInfo[uniqIntId][inExitA];
- return interiorInfo[uniqIntId][inIntID];
- }
- return -1;
- }
- stock GetInteriorIntID( id ){ // Gets the interior id of a uniq Interior Id :S
- if( id > MAX_INTERIORS ) return -1;
- else return interiorInfo[id][inIntID];
- }
- stock GetInteriorName( id )
- {
- new tmp[64];
- if( id > MAX_PROPERTIES ) return tmp;
- else {
- format( tmp, 64, "%s", interiorInfo[id][inName] );
- return tmp;
- }
- }
- /********************************************************
- ********************************************************/
- /********************************
- * Property Functions *
- ********************************/
- stock Float:GetPropertyEntrance( id, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z ){
- if( id > MAX_PROPERTIES ) return 0.0;
- x = properties[id][eEntX];
- y = properties[id][eEntY];
- z = properties[id][eEntZ];
- return properties[id][eEntA];
- }
- stock Float:GetPropertyExit( id, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z ){
- if( id > MAX_PROPERTIES ) return 0.0;
- return GetInteriorExit( properties[id][eUniqIntId], x, y, z );
- }
- stock GetPropertyInteriorFileId( id ){
- if( id > MAX_PROPERTIES ) return 0;
- else return properties[id][eUniqIntId];
- }
- stock GetPropertyInteriorId( id ){
- if( id > MAX_PROPERTIES ) return 0;
- else return GetInteriorIntID( properties[id][eUniqIntId] );
- }
- stock GetPropertyType( id ){
- if( id > MAX_PROPERTIES ) return 0;
- else return properties[id][eType];
- }
- stock GetPropertyOwner( id ){
- if( id > MAX_PROPERTIES ) return -1;
- else return properties[id][eOwner];
- }
- stock GetPropertyPrice( id ){
- if( id > MAX_PROPERTIES ) return -1;
- else return properties[id][ePrice];
- }
- stock GetPropertyName( id ){
- new tmp[64];
- if( id > MAX_PROPERTIES ) return tmp;
- else {
- format( tmp, 64, "%s", properties[id][ePname] );
- return tmp;
- }
- }
- /********************************************************
- ********************************************************/
- /********************************
- * Database Functions *
- ********************************/
- stock Float:dbGetPropertyEntrance( database[], uniqId, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z ){
- new
- DB:prop,
- DBResult:query_result,
- query[128],
- num;
- prop = db_open( database );
- format( query, 128,"SELECT entX, entY, enZ, entA FROM properties WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1", uniqId );
- query_result = db_query( prop, query );
- num = db_num_rows(query_result);
- if(!num) return -1.0;
- else {
- db_get_field_assoc( query_result, "entX", query, 128 );
- x = floatstr( query );
- db_get_field_assoc( query_result, "entY", query, 128 );
- y = floatstr( query );
- db_get_field_assoc( query_result, "entZ", query, 128 );
- z = floatstr( query );
- db_get_field_assoc( query_result, "entA", query, 128 );
- return floatstr( query );
- }
- }
- stock dbSetPropertyOwner( database[], uniqId, ownerId ){
- }
- stock dbSetPropertyPrice( database[], uniqId, price ){
- }
- stock dbDeleteProperty( database[], uniqId ){
- }
- stock dbCreateProperty( database[], uniqId, Float:entX, Float:entY, Float:entZ, Float:entA ){ // remember to add rest of params
- }
- stock dbLoadProperties( database[] )
- {
- new
- DB:prop,
- DBResult:query_result,
- query[128],
- num,
- i;
- prop = db_open( database );
- format( query, 128,"SELECT * FROM properties", uniqId );
- query_result = db_query( prop, query );
- num = db_num_rows(query_result);
- if(!num) return 0;
- else {
- while( i < num ){
- db_get_field_assoc( query_result, "entX", query, 128 );
- x = floatstr( query );
- db_get_field_assoc( query_result, "entX", query, 128 );
- x = floatstr( query );
- db_get_field_assoc( query_result, "entY", query, 128 );
- y = floatstr( query );
- db_get_field_assoc( query_result, "entZ", query, 128 );
- z = floatstr( query );
- db_get_field_assoc( query_result, "entA", query, 128 );
- i++;
- }
- }
- }
- /********************************************************
- ********************************************************/
- /*********************************
- * Property System Functions *
- *********************************/
- ReadInteriorInfo( fileName[] )
- {
- new
- File:file_ptr,
- buf[256],
- tmp[64],
- idx,
- uniqId;
- file_ptr = fopen( fileName, io_read );
- if( file_ptr ){
- while( fread( file_ptr, buf, 256 ) > 0){
- idx = 0;
- idx = token_by_delim( buf, tmp, ' ', idx );
- if(idx == (-1)) continue;
- uniqId = strval( tmp );
- if( uniqId >= MAX_INTERIORS ) return 0;
- idx = token_by_delim( buf, tmp, ' ', idx+1 );
- if(idx == (-1)) continue;
- interiorInfo[uniqId][inIntID] = strval( tmp );
- idx = token_by_delim( buf, tmp, ' ', idx+1 );
- if(idx == (-1)) continue;
- interiorInfo[uniqId][inExitX] = floatstr( tmp );
- idx = token_by_delim( buf, tmp, ' ', idx+1 );
- if(idx == (-1)) continue;
- interiorInfo[uniqId][inExitY] = floatstr( tmp );
- idx = token_by_delim( buf, tmp, ' ', idx+1);
- if(idx == (-1)) continue;
- interiorInfo[uniqId][inExitZ] = floatstr( tmp );
- idx = token_by_delim( buf, tmp, ' ', idx+1 );
- if(idx == (-1)) continue;
- interiorInfo[uniqId][inExitA] = floatstr( tmp );
- idx = token_by_delim( buf, interiorInfo[uniqId][inName], ';', idx+1 );
- if(idx == (-1)) continue;
- /*
- printf( "ReadInteriorInfo(%d, %d, %f, %f, %f, %f ( %s ))",
- uniqId,
- interiorInfo[uniqId][inIntID],
- interiorInfo[uniqId][inExitX],
- interiorInfo[uniqId][inExitY],
- interiorInfo[uniqId][inExitZ],
- interiorInfo[uniqId][inExitA],
- interiorInfo[uniqId][inName] );*/
- }
- //printf( "Interiors File read successfully" );
- fclose( file_ptr );
- return 1;
- }
- printf( "Could Not Read Interiors file ( %s )", fileName );
- return 0;
- }
- ReadPropertyFile( fileName[] )
- {
- new File:file_ptr,
- tmp[128],
- buf[256],
- idx,
- Float:enX,
- Float:enY,
- Float:enZ,
- Float:enA,
- uniqIntId,
- p_type,
- pIcon;
- printf("Reading File: %s",fileName);
- file_ptr = fopen( fileName, io_read );
- if(!file_ptr )return 0;
- while( fread( file_ptr, buf, 256 ) > 0){
- idx = 0;
- idx = token_by_delim( buf, tmp, ',', idx );
- if(idx == (-1)) continue;
- pIcon = strval( tmp );
- idx = token_by_delim( buf, tmp, ',', idx+1 );
- if(idx == (-1)) continue;
- enX = floatstr( tmp );
- idx = token_by_delim( buf, tmp, ',', idx+1 );
- if(idx == (-1)) continue;
- enY = floatstr( tmp );
- idx = token_by_delim( buf, tmp, ',', idx+1 );
- if(idx == (-1)) continue;
- enZ = floatstr( tmp );
- idx = token_by_delim( buf, tmp, ',', idx+1 );
- if(idx == (-1)) continue;
- enA = floatstr( tmp );
- idx = token_by_delim( buf, tmp, ',', idx+1 );
- if(idx == (-1)) continue;
- uniqIntId = strval( tmp );
- idx = token_by_delim( buf, tmp, ';', idx+1 );
- if(idx == (-1)) continue;
- p_type = strval( tmp );
- CreateProperty( uniqIntId, pIcon, enX, enY, enZ, enA, p_type );
- }
- fclose( file_ptr );
- return 1;
- }
- PutPlayerInProperty( playerid, propId, propVW = 0 )
- {
- new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:a;
- new intFileId;
- a = GetPropertyExit( propId, x, y, z );
- SetPlayerPos( playerid, x, y, z );
- SetPlayerFacingAngle( playerid, a );
- SetPlayerInterior( playerid, GetPropertyInteriorId( propId ));
- SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, (propVW==0)? propId+PROP_VW:propVW );
- intFileId = GetPropertyInteriorFileId(propId);
- currentInt[playerid] = propId;
- //new dbgstring[128];
- //format(dbgstring,sizeof(dbgstring),"PutPlayerInProperty(%d): FileInt=%d",propId,intFileId);
- //SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFFFFFFFF,dbgstring);
- // the following will make the client shop scripts run if we tell it
- // the name of the shop.
- if(intFileId == 22) {
- SetPlayerShopName(playerid,"FDPIZA");
- }
- else if(intFileId == 47) {
- SetPlayerShopName(playerid,"FDBURG");
- }
- else if(intFileId == 130) {
- SetPlayerShopName(playerid,"FDCHICK");
- }
- else if(intFileId == 32) {
- SetPlayerShopName(playerid,"AMMUN1");
- }
- else if(intFileId == 96) {
- SetPlayerShopName(playerid,"AMMUN2");
- }
- else if(intFileId == 122) {
- SetPlayerShopName(playerid,"AMMUN3");
- }
- else if(intFileId == 123) {
- SetPlayerShopName(playerid,"AMMUN5");
- }
- }
- // Adds new property to property file
- AddProperty( uniqIntId, Float:entX, Float:entY, Float:entZ, Float:entA, p_type, comment[]="" )
- {
- new
- Float:exitX,
- Float:exitY,
- Float:exitZ,
- Float:exitA,
- interiorId,
- File:file_ptr,
- tmp[128];
- interiorId = GetInteriorExitInfo( uniqIntId, exitX, exitY, exitZ, exitA );
- if( interiorId != -1 ){
- file_ptr = fopen( propFile[p_type], io_append );
- if(file_ptr){
- format( tmp, 128, "%d, %f, %f, %f, %f, %d, %d ; //%s\r\n", propIcons[p_type][tIcon],entX, entY, entZ, entA, uniqIntId, p_type, comment );
- fwrite( file_ptr, tmp );
- fclose( file_ptr );
- printf( "PropDB - %s", tmp );
- return CreateProperty( uniqIntId, propIcons[p_type][tIcon], entX, entY, entZ, entA, p_type );
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- CreateProperty( uniqIntId, iconId, Float:entX, Float:entY, Float:entZ, Float:entA, p_type, name[64]="", owner=-1, price=0 )
- {
- if( (unid+1) < MAX_PROPERTIES ){
- new Id = CreatePickup( iconId ,23, entX, entY, entZ, 0 );
- //printf( "CreateProperty(%d, %d, %f, %f, %f, %f, %d)", uniqIntId, iconId, entX, entY, entZ, entA, p_type );
- propPickups[Id] = unid;
- properties[unid][eEntX] = entX;
- properties[unid][eEntY] = entY;
- properties[unid][eEntZ] = entZ;
- properties[unid][eEntA] = entA;
- properties[unid][eUniqIntId] = uniqIntId;
- properties[unid][eOwner] = owner;
- properties[unid][ePrice] = price;
- properties[unid][eType] = p_type;
- format( properties[unid][ePname], 64, "%s", name );
- new text_info[256];
- propTextInfo[unid] = Text3D:INVALID_3DTEXT_ID;
- if(p_type == TYPE_HOUSE) {
- format(text_info,256,"{FFFFFF}[{88EE88}House{FFFFFF}]");
- propTextInfo[unid] = Create3DTextLabel(text_info,0x88EE88FF,entX,entY,entZ+0.75,20.0,0,1);
- }
- else if(p_type == TYPE_BUSINESS) {
- format(text_info,256,"{FFFFFF}[{AAAAFF}Business{FFFFFF}]");
- propTextInfo[unid] = Create3DTextLabel(text_info,0xAAAAFFFF,entX,entY,entZ+0.75,20.0,0,1);
- }
- else if(p_type == TYPE_BANK) {
- format(text_info,256,"{FFFFFF}[{EEEE88}Bank{FFFFFF}]");
- propTextInfo[unid] = Create3DTextLabel(text_info,0xEEEE88FF,entX,entY,entZ+0.75,20.0,0,1);
- }
- else if(p_type == TYPE_COP) {
- format(text_info,256,"{FFFFFF}[{EEEE88}Police Station{FFFFFF}]");
- propTextInfo[unid] = Create3DTextLabel(text_info,0xEEEE88FF,entX,entY,entZ+0.75,20.0,0,1);
- }
- return unid++;
- }
- else print( "Property Limit Reached" );
- return -1;
- }
- PropertyCommand( playerid, cmd[],cmdtext[],idx, p_type )
- {
- new
- Float:x,
- Float:y,
- Float:z,
- Float:a,
- tmp[256],
- string[128],
- uniqId,
- id;
- if( GetPlayerInterior(playerid) != 0 || GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid)!= 0 ){
- SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x550000FF, "You can only create properties in Interior 0 and VW 0" );
- return 1;
- }
- GetPlayerPos( playerid, x, y, z );
- GetPlayerFacingAngle( playerid, a );
- tmp = strtok( cmdtext, idx );
- if(!strlen(tmp)){
- format( string, 128, "Usage: %s [uniqInteriorId] [optional-comment]", cmd );
- SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xFF00CC, string );
- return 1;
- }
- if(!isNumeric(tmp)){
- SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x550000, "Uniq Interior Id must be a number" );
- return 1;
- }
- uniqId = strval( tmp );
- if( uniqId > MAX_INTERIORS || uniqId < 0 ){
- SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xFFFFCC, "Invalid Uniq Interior Id" );
- return 1;
- }
- idx = token_by_delim( cmdtext, tmp, '\0', idx );
- if(idx){
- id = AddProperty( uniqId, x, y, z, a, p_type, tmp );
- }
- else {
- id = AddProperty( uniqId, x, y, z, a, p_type );
- }
- if( id != -1 ){
- format( tmp, 256, "Property Type ( %d ) Added Successfully: UniqId: %d Interior: %d IntName: %s",p_type, id, interiorInfo[uniqId][inIntID], interiorInfo[uniqId][inName] );
- SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xCC7700, tmp );
- }else{
- SendClientMessage( playerid, 0x00FF55, "Error: Something went wrong/Property Limit Reached" );
- }
- return 1;
- }
- LoadProperties()
- {
- if( properties[0][eType] != TYPE_EMPTY ){
- UnloadProperties();
- }
- unid = 0;
- for( new i = 0; i < MAX_PROPERTIES; i++ ){
- properties[i][eType] = TYPE_EMPTY;
- }
- ReadInteriorInfo( "properties/interiors.txt" );
- for( new i = 0; i < MAX_TYPES; i++ ){
- ReadPropertyFile( propFile[i] );
- }
- return 1;
- }
- UnloadProperties()
- {
- new
- p;
- for( new i = 0; i < MAX_PROPERTIES; i++ ){
- if( propPickups[i] != -1 ){
- DestroyPickup( i );
- p = propPickups[i];
- propPickups[i] = -1;
- properties[p][eInterior] = -1;
- properties[p][eType] = TYPE_EMPTY;
- properties[p][eOwner] = -1;
- properties[p][ePrice] = 0;
- properties[p][ePname][0] = '\0';
- }
- }
- }
- /********************************************************
- ********************************************************/
- /************************************
- * Callbacks *
- ************************************/
- public OnFilterScriptInit()
- {
- print("\n-----------------------------------");
- print("Grand Larceny Property Filterscript ");
- print("-----------------------------------\n");
- return 1;
- }
- public OnFilterScriptExit()
- {
- UnloadProperties();
- return 1;
- }
- public OnGameModeInit()
- {
- LoadProperties();
- return 1;
- }
- public OnGameModeExit()
- {
- UnloadProperties();
- return 1;
- }
- public OnPlayerInteriorChange(playerid, newinteriorid, oldinteriorid)
- {
- if( newinteriorid == 0 ){
- currentInt[playerid] = -1;
- SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, 0 );
- }
- return 1;
- }
- public OnPlayerSpawn( playerid )
- {
- gLastPropertyEnterNotification[playerid] = -1;
- return 1;
- }
- public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
- {
- //printf( "DEBUG: Player %d pickedup Pickup %d Prop Id %d", playerid, pickupid );
- lastPickup[playerid] = pickupid;
- new id = propPickups[pickupid];
- new pmsg[256];
- if( properties[id][eType] > 0 ){
- if(gLastPropertyEnterNotification[playerid] != id){
- gLastPropertyEnterNotification[playerid] = id;
- switch( properties[id][eType] ){
- case TYPE_HOUSE:{
- format(pmsg,256,"* House: type /enter to enter");
- SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xFF55BBFF, pmsg );
- return 1;
- }
- format(pmsg,256,"* Business: type /enter to enter");
- SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xFF55BBFF, pmsg );
- return 1;
- }
- case TYPE_BANK:{
- format(pmsg,256,"* Bank: type /enter to enter");
- SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xFF55BBFF, pmsg );
- return 1;
- }
- case TYPE_COP:{
- format(pmsg,256,"* Police Station: type /enter to enter");
- SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xFF55BBFF, pmsg );
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xFF9900FF, "This property doesn't exist :S" );
- return 1;
- }
- public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
- {
- new idx;
- new cmd[256];
- cmd = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
- // Public commands.
- if(strcmp("/enter", cmd, true) == 0) // enter property
- {
- if( lastPickup[playerid] != -1 || properties[lastPickup[playerid]][eType] > 0 ){
- new
- id = propPickups[lastPickup[playerid]],
- Float:x,
- Float:y,
- Float:z;
- GetPropertyEntrance( id, x, y, z );
- if( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 3.0, x, y, z )){
- PutPlayerInProperty( playerid, id );
- SendClientMessage( playerid, 0x55AADDFF, "* You have entered a property.. type /exit to leave" );
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- else if(strcmp("/exit", cmd, true) == 0) // exit property
- {
- if( currentInt[playerid] > -1 && GetPlayerInterior(playerid) == GetPropertyInteriorId( currentInt[playerid] )){
- new id = currentInt[playerid];
- new Float:x;
- new Float:y;
- new Float:z;
- new Float:a;
- // make sure they're near the exit before allowing them to exit.
- GetPropertyExit( id, x, y, z );
- if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,4.5,x,y,z)) {
- SendClientMessage(playerid,0xDDAA55FF,"* You must be near the property exit to /exit");
- return 1;
- }
- a = GetPropertyEntrance( id, x, y, z );
- SetPlayerPos( playerid, x, y, z );
- SetPlayerFacingAngle( playerid, a );
- SetPlayerInterior( playerid, 0 );
- SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, 0 );
- }
- currentInt[playerid] = -1;
- return 1;
- }
- // The rest of the commands here are for
- // property creation which is admin only.
- if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return 0;
- if(strcmp("/chouse", cmd, true) == 0) // creates a house type property
- {
- PropertyCommand( playerid, cmd, cmdtext,idx, TYPE_HOUSE );
- return 1;
- }
- else if(strcmp("/cbus", cmd, true) == 0) // creates a business type property
- {
- PropertyCommand( playerid, cmd, cmdtext,idx, TYPE_BUSINESS );
- return 1;
- }
- else if(strcmp("/ccop", cmd, true) == 0) // creates a police station property
- {
- PropertyCommand( playerid, cmd, cmdtext,idx, TYPE_COP );
- return 1;
- }
- else if(strcmp("/cbank", cmd, true) == 0) // creates a bank type property
- {
- PropertyCommand( playerid, cmd, cmdtext,idx, TYPE_BANK );
- return 1;
- }
- else if(strcmp("/view", cmd, true) == 0) //Basically lets you view an interior from the interiors.txt file by id
- {
- new
- tmp[256],
- string[128],
- uniqId,
- Float:x,
- Float:y,
- Float:z,
- Float:a;
- tmp = strtok( cmdtext, idx );
- if(!strlen(tmp)){
- format( string, 128, "Usage: %s [uniqInteriorId]", cmd );
- SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xFF00CC, string );
- return 1;
- }
- if(!isNumeric(tmp)){
- SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x550000, "Uniq Interior Id must be a number" );
- return 1;
- }
- uniqId = strval( tmp );
- if( uniqId > MAX_INTERIORS || uniqId < 0 ){
- SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xFFFFCC, "Invalid Uniq Interior Id" );
- return 1;
- }
- if( GetPlayerInterior( playerid ) == 0 ){
- GetPlayerPos( playerid, plPos[playerid][0], plPos[playerid][1], plPos[playerid][2] );
- plInt[playerid] = GetPlayerInterior( playerid );
- }
- a = GetInteriorExit( uniqId, x, y, z );
- SetPlayerInterior( playerid, GetInteriorIntID( uniqId ) );
- SetPlayerPos( playerid, x, y, z );
- SetPlayerFacingAngle( playerid, a );
- format( string, 128, "UniqId: %d InteriorId: %d Name: %s | Use /return to go to last position", uniqId,GetInteriorIntID( uniqId ), GetInteriorName( uniqId ));
- SendClientMessage( playerid, 0x556600FF, string );
- return 1;
- }
- else if( strcmp( "/return", cmd, true ) == 0 ) // return from /view command to last position
- {
- SetPlayerPos( playerid, plPos[playerid][0], plPos[playerid][1], plPos[playerid][2] );
- SetPlayerInterior( playerid, plInt[playerid] );
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /***********************************************************************
- ***********************************************************************/