// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Example Filterscript for the LS Prison Walls and Gate Objects
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// By Matite in February 2015
// This script creates the new LS Prison Walls object, removes the existing
// GTASA object and creates 2 sets of opening gates.
// Warning...
// This script uses a total of:
// * 5 objects = 1 for the replacement walls and 4 for the replacement gates
// * 2 3D Text Labels = 1 on each set of gates
// * Enables the /lsp command to teleport the player to the eastern prison gates
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Includes
// --------
// SA-MP include
#include <a_samp>
// For PlaySoundForPlayersInRange()
#include "../include/gl_common.inc"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Defines
// -------
// Used for the eastern and southern prison gates status flags
#define GATES_CLOSED 0
#define GATES_OPEN 2
// Used for messages sent to the player
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constants
// ---------
// Gate names for the 3D text labels
static GateNames[2][] =
"Eastern Gates",
"Southern Gates"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Variables
// ---------
// Stores the created object number of the replacement prison walls so it can
// be destroyed when the filterscript is unloaded
new LSPrisonWallsObject;
// Stores the created object numbers of the prison walls gates so they can be
// opened or closed and destroyed when the filterscript is unloaded
new LSPrisonGatesObject[4];
// Stores a reference to the 3D text labels used on each set of gates so they
// can be destroyed when the filterscript is unloaded
new Text3D:LabelGates[2];
// Stores the current status of the eastern prison gates
new EasternGatesStatus = GATES_CLOSED;
// Stores the current status of the southern prison gates
new SouthernGatesStatus = GATES_CLOSED;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Callbacks
// ---------
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
// Check command text
if (strcmp("/lsp", cmdtext, true, 4) == 0)
// Set the interior
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
// Set player position and facing angle
SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1830.66 + random(2), -1538.46, 14.5);
SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 85);
// Fix camera position after teleporting
// Send a gametext message to the player
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~b~~h~LS Prison!", 3000, 3);
// Exit here
return 1;
// Exit here (return 0 as the command was not handled in this filterscript)
return 0;
public OnFilterScriptInit()
// Display information in the Server Console
print(" |---------------------------------------------------");
print(" |--- LS Prison Walls Filterscript");
print(" |-- Script v1.01");
print(" |-- 13th February 2015");
print(" |---------------------------------------------------");
// Create the LS Prison Walls object
LSPrisonWallsObject = CreateObject(19794, 1787.13, -1565.68, 11.9688, 0, 0, 0);
// Display information in the Server Console
print(" |-- LS Prison Walls object created");
// Create the LS Prison Walls Eastern Gates objects
LSPrisonGatesObject[0] = CreateObject(19795, 1824.318481, -1534.731201, 14.296878 - 0.01, 0, 0, 343.0);
LSPrisonGatesObject[1] = CreateObject(19795, 1822.407592, -1540.949951, 14.296878 - 0.01, 0, 0, 163.0);
// Create the LS Prison Walls Southern Gates objects
LSPrisonGatesObject[2] = CreateObject(19796, 1752.004150, -1591.186523, 14.267195 - 0.01, 0, 0, 77.0);
LSPrisonGatesObject[3] = CreateObject(19796, 1756.914062, -1592.316284, 14.267195 - 0.01, 0, 0, 257.0);
// Display information in the Server Console
print(" |-- LS Prison Walls Gates objects created");
// Create variable
new string[192];
// Create 3D Text Label at the prisons eastern gates
format(string, sizeof(string), "{CCCCCC}[%s]\n{CCCCCC}Press '{FFFFFF}~k~~CONVERSATION_YES~{CCCCCC}' to open or close the gates", GateNames[0]);
LabelGates[0] = Create3DTextLabel(string, 0xCCCCCCAA, 1823.78, -1537.98, 13.54, 10.5, 0, 1);
// Create 3D Text Label at the prisons eastern gates
format(string, sizeof(string), "{CCCCCC}[%s]\n{CCCCCC}Press '{FFFFFF}~k~~CONVERSATION_YES~{CCCCCC}' to open or close the gates", GateNames[1]);
LabelGates[1] = Create3DTextLabel(string, 0xCCCCCCAA, 1754.27, -1592.18, 13.54, 10.5, 0, 1);
// Display information in the Server Console
print(" |-- LS Prison Wall Gates 3D Text Labels created");
print(" |---------------------------------------------------");
// Loop
for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
// Check if the player is connected and not a NPC
if (IsPlayerConnected(i) && !IsPlayerNPC(i))
// Remove default GTASA LS Prison Walls and LOD map objects for the player
// (so any player currently ingame does not have to rejoin for them
// to be removed when this filterscript is loaded)
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(i, 4000, 1787.13, -1565.68, 11.9688, 250.0); // Walls
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(i, 4080, 1787.13, -1565.68, 11.9688, 250.0); // LOD
// Exit here
return 1;
public OnFilterScriptExit()
// Check for valid object
if (IsValidObject(LSPrisonWallsObject))
// Destroy the LS Prison Walls object
// Display information in the Server Console
print(" |---------------------------------------------------");
print(" |-- LS Prison Walls object destroyed");
// Check for valid object
if (IsValidObject(LSPrisonGatesObject[0]))
// Destroy the LS Prison Walls Eastern Gates object 1
// Display information in the Server Console
print(" |-- LS Prison Walls Eastern Gates object 1 destroyed");
// Check for valid object
if (IsValidObject(LSPrisonGatesObject[1]))
// Destroy the LS Prison Walls Eastern Gates object 2
// Display information in the Server Console
print(" |-- LS Prison Walls Eastern Gates object 2 destroyed");
// Check for valid object
if (IsValidObject(LSPrisonGatesObject[2]))
// Destroy the LS Prison Walls Southern Gates object 1
// Display information in the Server Console
print(" |-- LS Prison Walls Southern Gates object 1 destroyed");
// Check for valid object
if (IsValidObject(LSPrisonGatesObject[3]))
// Destroy the LS Prison Walls Southern Gates object 2
// Display information in the Server Console
print(" |-- LS Prison Walls Southern Gates object 2 destroyed");
// Destroy 3D Text Labels on the eastern and southern gates
// Display information in the Server Console
print(" |-- Deleted the 3D Text Labels on the Prison Gates");
// Display information in the Server Console
print(" |---------------------------------------------------");
print(" |-- LS Prison Walls Filterscript Unloaded");
print(" |---------------------------------------------------");
// Exit here
return 1;
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
// Remove default GTASA LS Prison Walls and LOD map objects for the player
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 4000, 1787.13, -1565.68, 11.9688, 250.0); // Walls
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 4080, 1787.13, -1565.68, 11.9688, 250.0); // LOD
// Exit here (return 1 so this callback is handled in other scripts too)
return 1;
public OnObjectMoved(objectid)
// Check if the object that moved was one of the eastern gates
if (objectid == LSPrisonGatesObject[0])
// Check if the eastern gates were closing
if (EasternGatesStatus == GATES_CLOSING)
// Set status flag for eastern gates
EasternGatesStatus = GATES_CLOSED;
// Set status flag for eastern gates
EasternGatesStatus = GATES_OPEN;
// Check if the object that moved was one of the southern gates
else if (objectid == LSPrisonGatesObject[2])
// Check if the southern gates were closing
if (SouthernGatesStatus == GATES_CLOSING)
// Set status flag for southern gates
SouthernGatesStatus = GATES_CLOSED;
// Set status flag for southern gates
SouthernGatesStatus = GATES_OPEN;
// Exit here
return 1;
public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
// Check if the player pressed the conversation yes key (normally the Y key)
if (newkeys & KEY_YES)
// Check if the player is outside the eastern prison gates
if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 10.0, 1823.78, -1537.98, 13.54))
// Debug
//printf("-->Player ID %d within 10m of the Eastern Prison Gates", playerid);
// Check if the eastern gates are not currently opening (ie moving)
if (EasternGatesStatus == GATES_OPENING)
// Send chat text message and exit here
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_MESSAGE_YELLOW, "* Sorry, you must wait for the eastern gates to fully open first.");
return 1;
// Check if the eastern gates are not currently closing (ie moving)
else if (EasternGatesStatus == GATES_CLOSING)
// Send chat text message and exit here
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_MESSAGE_YELLOW, "* Sorry, you must wait for the eastern gates to fully close first.");
return 1;
// Play gate opening sound
PlaySoundForPlayersInRange(1035, 50.0, 1823.78, -1537.98, 13.54);
// Check if the eastern gates are currently open or closed
if (EasternGatesStatus == GATES_CLOSED)
// Send a gametext message to the player
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~b~~h~Eastern Prison~n~~b~~h~Gates Opening!", 3000, 3);
// Animate the eastern gates opening (the small Z offset is required)
MoveObject(LSPrisonGatesObject[0], 1824.318481, -1534.731201, 14.296878 + 0.01, 0.002, 0, 0, 258);
// Animate the eastern gates opening (the small Z offset is required)
MoveObject(LSPrisonGatesObject[1], 1822.407592, -1540.949951, 14.296878 + 0.01, 0.002, 0, 0, 253);
// Set status flag for eastern gates
EasternGatesStatus = GATES_OPENING;
// Send a gametext message to the player
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~b~~h~Eastern Prison~n~~b~~h~Gates Closing!", 3000, 3);
// Animate the eastern gates closing (the small Z offset is required)
MoveObject(LSPrisonGatesObject[0], 1824.318481, -1534.731201, 14.296878 - 0.01, 0.002, 0, 0, 343);
// Animate the eastern gates closing (the small Z offset is required)
MoveObject(LSPrisonGatesObject[1], 1822.407592, -1540.949951, 14.296878 - 0.01, 0.002, 0, 0, 163);
// Set status flag for eastern gates
EasternGatesStatus = GATES_CLOSING;
// Check if the player is outside the southern prison gates
else if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 10.0, 1754.27, -1592.18, 13.54))
// Debug
//printf("-->Player ID %d within 10m of the Southern Prison Gates", playerid);
// Check if the southern gates are not currently opening (ie moving)
if (SouthernGatesStatus == GATES_OPENING)
// Send chat text message and exit here
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_MESSAGE_YELLOW, "* Sorry, you must wait for the southern gates to fully open first.");
return 1;
// Check if the southern gates are not currently closing (ie moving)
else if (SouthernGatesStatus == GATES_CLOSING)
// Send chat text message and exit here
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_MESSAGE_YELLOW, "* Sorry, you must wait for the southern gates to fully close first.");
return 1;
// Play gate opening sound
PlaySoundForPlayersInRange(1035, 50.0, 1754.27, -1592.18, 13.54);
// Check if the southern gates are currently open or closed
if (SouthernGatesStatus == GATES_CLOSED)
// Send a gametext message to the player
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~b~~h~Southern Prison~n~~b~~h~Gates Opening!", 3000, 3);
// Animate the southern gates opening (the small Z offset is required)
MoveObject(LSPrisonGatesObject[2], 1752.004150, -1591.186523, 14.267195 + 0.01, 0.002, 0, 0, 172);
// Animate the southern gates opening (the small Z offset is required)
MoveObject(LSPrisonGatesObject[3], 1756.914062, -1592.316284, 14.267195 + 0.01, 0.002, 0, 0, 187);
// Set status flag for southern gates
SouthernGatesStatus = GATES_OPENING;
// Send a gametext message to the player
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~b~~h~Southern Prison~n~~b~~h~Gates Closing!", 3000, 3);
// Animate the southern gates closing (the small Z offset is required)
MoveObject(LSPrisonGatesObject[2], 1752.004150, -1591.186523, 14.267195 - 0.01, 0.002, 0, 0, 77);
// Animate the southern gates closing (the small Z offset is required)
MoveObject(LSPrisonGatesObject[3], 1756.914062, -1592.316284, 14.267195 - 0.01, 0.002, 0, 0, 257);
// Set status flag for southern gates
SouthernGatesStatus = GATES_CLOSING;
// Exit here (return 1 so this callback is handled in other scripts too)
return 1;