- from django.conf import settings
- from django.template.loader import render_to_string
- from django.utils import timezone
- import json
- import requests
- from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote
- from hc.accounts.models import Profile
- from hc.lib import emails
- def tmpl(template_name, **ctx):
- template_path = "integrations/%s" % template_name
- return render_to_string(template_path, ctx).strip()
- class Transport(object):
- def __init__(self, channel):
- self.channel = channel
- def notify(self, check):
- """ Send notification about current status of the check.
- This method returns None on success, and error message
- on error.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def is_noop(self, check):
- """ Return True if transport will ignore check's current status.
- This method is overriden in Webhook subclass where the user can
- configure webhook urls for "up" and "down" events, and both are
- optional.
- """
- return False
- def checks(self):
- return self.channel.user.check_set.order_by("created")
- class Email(Transport):
- def notify(self, check, bounce_url):
- if not self.channel.email_verified:
- return "Email not verified"
- headers = {"X-Bounce-Url": bounce_url}
- ctx = {
- "check": check,
- "checks": self.checks(),
- "now": timezone.now(),
- "unsub_link": self.channel.get_unsub_link()
- }
- emails.alert(self.channel.value, ctx, headers)
- class HttpTransport(Transport):
- @classmethod
- def _request(cls, method, url, **kwargs):
- try:
- options = dict(kwargs)
- if "headers" not in options:
- options["headers"] = {}
- options["timeout"] = 5
- options["headers"]["User-Agent"] = "healthchecks.io"
- r = requests.request(method, url, **options)
- if r.status_code not in (200, 201, 204):
- return "Received status code %d" % r.status_code
- except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
- # Well, we tried
- return "Connection timed out"
- except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
- return "Connection failed"
- @classmethod
- def get(cls, url):
- # Make 3 attempts--
- for x in range(0, 3):
- error = cls._request("get", url)
- if error is None:
- break
- return error
- @classmethod
- def post(cls, url, **kwargs):
- # Make 3 attempts--
- for x in range(0, 3):
- error = cls._request("post", url, **kwargs)
- if error is None:
- break
- return error
- class Webhook(HttpTransport):
- def prepare(self, template, check, urlencode=False):
- """ Replace variables with actual values.
- There should be no bad translations if users use $ symbol in
- check's name or tags, because $ gets urlencoded to %24
- """
- def safe(s):
- return quote(s) if urlencode else s
- result = template
- if "$CODE" in result:
- result = result.replace("$CODE", str(check.code))
- if "$STATUS" in result:
- result = result.replace("$STATUS", check.status)
- if "$NOW" in result:
- s = timezone.now().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat()
- result = result.replace("$NOW", safe(s))
- if "$NAME" in result:
- result = result.replace("$NAME", safe(check.name))
- if "$TAG" in result:
- for i, tag in enumerate(check.tags_list()):
- placeholder = "$TAG%d" % (i + 1)
- result = result.replace(placeholder, safe(tag))
- return result
- def is_noop(self, check):
- if check.status == "down" and not self.channel.value_down:
- return True
- if check.status == "up" and not self.channel.value_up:
- return True
- return False
- def notify(self, check):
- url = self.channel.value_down
- if check.status == "up":
- url = self.channel.value_up
- assert url
- url = self.prepare(url, check, urlencode=True)
- if self.channel.post_data:
- payload = self.prepare(self.channel.post_data, check)
- return self.post(url, data=payload)
- else:
- return self.get(url)
- class Slack(HttpTransport):
- def notify(self, check):
- text = tmpl("slack_message.json", check=check)
- payload = json.loads(text)
- return self.post(self.channel.slack_webhook_url, json=payload)
- class HipChat(HttpTransport):
- def notify(self, check):
- text = tmpl("hipchat_message.html", check=check)
- payload = {
- "message": text,
- "color": "green" if check.status == "up" else "red",
- }
- return self.post(self.channel.value, json=payload)
- class OpsGenie(HttpTransport):
- def notify(self, check):
- payload = {
- "apiKey": self.channel.value,
- "alias": str(check.code),
- "source": "healthchecks.io"
- }
- if check.status == "down":
- payload["tags"] = ",".join(check.tags_list())
- payload["message"] = tmpl("opsgenie_message.html", check=check)
- payload["note"] = tmpl("opsgenie_note.html", check=check)
- url = "https://api.opsgenie.com/v1/json/alert"
- if check.status == "up":
- url += "/close"
- return self.post(url, json=payload)
- class PagerDuty(HttpTransport):
- URL = "https://events.pagerduty.com/generic/2010-04-15/create_event.json"
- def notify(self, check):
- description = tmpl("pd_description.html", check=check)
- payload = {
- "service_key": self.channel.value,
- "incident_key": str(check.code),
- "event_type": "trigger" if check.status == "down" else "resolve",
- "description": description,
- "client": "healthchecks.io",
- "client_url": settings.SITE_ROOT
- }
- return self.post(self.URL, json=payload)
- class Pushbullet(HttpTransport):
- def notify(self, check):
- text = tmpl("pushbullet_message.html", check=check)
- url = "https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes"
- headers = {
- "Access-Token": self.channel.value,
- "Conent-Type": "application/json"
- }
- payload = {
- "type": "note",
- "title": "healthchecks.io",
- "body": text
- }
- return self.post(url, json=payload, headers=headers)
- class Pushover(HttpTransport):
- URL = "https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json"
- def notify(self, check):
- others = self.checks().filter(status="down").exclude(code=check.code)
- ctx = {
- "check": check,
- "down_checks": others,
- }
- text = tmpl("pushover_message.html", **ctx)
- title = tmpl("pushover_title.html", **ctx)
- user_key, prio = self.channel.value.split("|")
- payload = {
- "token": settings.PUSHOVER_API_TOKEN,
- "user": user_key,
- "message": text,
- "title": title,
- "html": 1,
- "priority": int(prio),
- }
- # Emergency notification
- if prio == "2":
- payload["retry"] = settings.PUSHOVER_EMERGENCY_RETRY_DELAY
- payload["expire"] = settings.PUSHOVER_EMERGENCY_EXPIRATION
- return self.post(self.URL, data=payload)
- class VictorOps(HttpTransport):
- def notify(self, check):
- description = tmpl("victorops_description.html", check=check)
- mtype = "CRITICAL" if check.status == "down" else "RECOVERY"
- payload = {
- "entity_id": str(check.code),
- "message_type": mtype,
- "entity_display_name": check.name_then_code(),
- "state_message": description,
- "monitoring_tool": "healthchecks.io",
- }
- return self.post(self.channel.value, json=payload)
- class Discord(HttpTransport):
- def notify(self, check):
- text = tmpl("slack_message.json", check=check)
- payload = json.loads(text)
- url = self.channel.discord_webhook_url + "/slack"
- return self.post(url, json=payload)
- class Telegram(HttpTransport):
- SM = "https://api.telegram.org/bot%s/sendMessage" % settings.TELEGRAM_TOKEN
- @classmethod
- def send(cls, chat_id, text):
- return cls.post(cls.SM, json={
- "chat_id": chat_id,
- "text": text,
- "parse_mode": "html"
- })
- def notify(self, check):
- text = tmpl("telegram_message.html", check=check)
- return self.send(self.channel.telegram_id, text)
- class Sms(HttpTransport):
- URL = 'https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/%s/Messages.json'
- def is_noop(self, check):
- return check.status != "down"
- def notify(self, check):
- profile = Profile.objects.for_user(self.channel.user)
- if not profile.authorize_sms():
- return "Monthly SMS limit exceeded"
- url = self.URL % settings.TWILIO_ACCOUNT
- auth = (settings.TWILIO_ACCOUNT, settings.TWILIO_AUTH)
- text = tmpl("sms_message.html", check=check,
- site_name=settings.SITE_NAME)
- data = {
- 'From': settings.TWILIO_FROM,
- 'To': self.channel.value,
- 'Body': text,
- }
- return self.post(url, data=data, auth=auth)