- # coding: utf-8
- import hashlib
- import json
- import time
- import uuid
- from datetime import datetime, timedelta as td
- from croniter import croniter
- from django.conf import settings
- from django.contrib.auth.models import User
- from django.db import models
- from django.urls import reverse
- from django.utils import timezone
- from hc.accounts.models import Project
- from hc.api import transports
- from hc.lib import emails
- import requests
- import pytz
- ("up", "Up"),
- ("down", "Down"),
- ("new", "New"),
- ("paused", "Paused")
- )
- DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = td(days=1)
- DEFAULT_GRACE = td(hours=1)
- NEVER = datetime(3000, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
- CHECK_KINDS = (("simple", "Simple"),
- ("cron", "Cron"))
- CHANNEL_KINDS = (("email", "Email"),
- ("webhook", "Webhook"),
- ("hipchat", "HipChat"),
- ("slack", "Slack"),
- ("pd", "PagerDuty"),
- ("pagertree", "PagerTree"),
- ("po", "Pushover"),
- ("pushbullet", "Pushbullet"),
- ("opsgenie", "OpsGenie"),
- ("victorops", "VictorOps"),
- ("discord", "Discord"),
- ("telegram", "Telegram"),
- ("sms", "SMS"),
- ("zendesk", "Zendesk"),
- ("trello", "Trello"))
- -2: "lowest",
- -1: "low",
- 0: "normal",
- 1: "high",
- 2: "emergency"
- }
- def isostring(dt):
- """Convert the datetime to ISO 8601 format with no microseconds. """
- if dt:
- return dt.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat()
- class Check(models.Model):
- name = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True)
- tags = models.CharField(max_length=500, blank=True)
- code = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False, unique=True)
- desc = models.TextField(blank=True)
- user = models.ForeignKey(User, models.CASCADE)
- project = models.ForeignKey(Project, models.CASCADE)
- created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
- kind = models.CharField(max_length=10, default="simple",
- choices=CHECK_KINDS)
- timeout = models.DurationField(default=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
- grace = models.DurationField(default=DEFAULT_GRACE)
- schedule = models.CharField(max_length=100, default="* * * * *")
- tz = models.CharField(max_length=36, default="UTC")
- subject = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True)
- n_pings = models.IntegerField(default=0)
- last_ping = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
- last_start = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
- last_ping_was_fail = models.NullBooleanField(default=False)
- has_confirmation_link = models.BooleanField(default=False)
- alert_after = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True, editable=False)
- status = models.CharField(max_length=6, choices=STATUSES, default="new")
- def __str__(self):
- return "%s (%d)" % (self.name or self.code, self.id)
- def name_then_code(self):
- if self.name:
- return self.name
- return str(self.code)
- def url(self):
- return settings.PING_ENDPOINT + str(self.code)
- def details_url(self):
- return settings.SITE_ROOT + reverse("hc-details", args=[self.code])
- def email(self):
- return "%s@%s" % (self.code, settings.PING_EMAIL_DOMAIN)
- def get_grace_start(self):
- """ Return the datetime when the grace period starts.
- If the check is currently new, paused or down, return None.
- """
- # NEVER is a constant sentinel value (year 3000).
- # Using None instead would make the logic clunky.
- result = NEVER
- if self.kind == "simple" and self.status == "up":
- result = self.last_ping + self.timeout
- elif self.kind == "cron" and self.status == "up":
- # The complex case, next ping is expected based on cron schedule.
- # Don't convert to naive datetimes (and so avoid ambiguities around
- # DST transitions). Croniter will handle the timezone-aware datetimes.
- zone = pytz.timezone(self.tz)
- last_local = timezone.localtime(self.last_ping, zone)
- it = croniter(self.schedule, last_local)
- result = it.next(datetime)
- if self.last_start and self.status != "down":
- result = min(result, self.last_start)
- if result != NEVER:
- return result
- def going_down_after(self):
- """ Return the datetime when the check goes down.
- If the check is new or paused, and not currently running, return None.
- If the check is already down, also return None.
- """
- grace_start = self.get_grace_start()
- if grace_start is not None:
- return grace_start + self.grace
- def get_status(self, now=None, with_started=True):
- """ Return current status for display. """
- if now is None:
- now = timezone.now()
- if self.last_start:
- if now >= self.last_start + self.grace:
- return "down"
- elif with_started:
- return "started"
- if self.status in ("new", "paused", "down"):
- return self.status
- grace_start = self.get_grace_start()
- grace_end = grace_start + self.grace
- if now >= grace_end:
- return "down"
- if now >= grace_start:
- return "grace"
- return "up"
- def assign_all_channels(self):
- if self.user:
- channels = Channel.objects.filter(user=self.user)
- self.channel_set.add(*channels)
- def tags_list(self):
- return [t.strip() for t in self.tags.split(" ") if t.strip()]
- def matches_tag_set(self, tag_set):
- return tag_set.issubset(self.tags_list())
- def to_dict(self):
- update_rel_url = reverse("hc-api-update", args=[self.code])
- pause_rel_url = reverse("hc-api-pause", args=[self.code])
- channel_codes = [str(ch.code) for ch in self.channel_set.all()]
- result = {
- "name": self.name,
- "ping_url": self.url(),
- "update_url": settings.SITE_ROOT + update_rel_url,
- "pause_url": settings.SITE_ROOT + pause_rel_url,
- "tags": self.tags,
- "grace": int(self.grace.total_seconds()),
- "n_pings": self.n_pings,
- "status": self.get_status(),
- "channels": ",".join(sorted(channel_codes)),
- "last_ping": isostring(self.last_ping),
- "next_ping": isostring(self.get_grace_start())
- }
- if self.kind == "simple":
- result["timeout"] = int(self.timeout.total_seconds())
- elif self.kind == "cron":
- result["schedule"] = self.schedule
- result["tz"] = self.tz
- return result
- def ping(self, remote_addr, scheme, method, ua, body, action):
- if action == "start":
- self.last_start = timezone.now()
- # Don't update "last_ping" field.
- elif action == "ign":
- pass
- else:
- self.last_start = None
- self.last_ping = timezone.now()
- new_status = "down" if action == "fail" else "up"
- if self.status != new_status:
- flip = Flip(owner=self)
- flip.created = self.last_ping
- flip.old_status = self.status
- flip.new_status = new_status
- flip.save()
- self.status = new_status
- self.alert_after = self.going_down_after()
- self.n_pings = models.F("n_pings") + 1
- self.has_confirmation_link = "confirm" in str(body).lower()
- self.save()
- self.refresh_from_db()
- ping = Ping(owner=self)
- ping.n = self.n_pings
- if action in ("start", "fail", "ign"):
- ping.kind = action
- ping.remote_addr = remote_addr
- ping.scheme = scheme
- ping.method = method
- # If User-Agent is longer than 200 characters, truncate it:
- ping.ua = ua[:200]
- ping.body = body[:10000]
- ping.save()
- class Ping(models.Model):
- id = models.BigAutoField(primary_key=True)
- n = models.IntegerField(null=True)
- owner = models.ForeignKey(Check, models.CASCADE)
- created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
- kind = models.CharField(max_length=6, blank=True, null=True)
- scheme = models.CharField(max_length=10, default="http")
- remote_addr = models.GenericIPAddressField(blank=True, null=True)
- method = models.CharField(max_length=10, blank=True)
- ua = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=True)
- body = models.CharField(max_length=10000, blank=True, null=True)
- class Channel(models.Model):
- name = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True)
- code = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False, unique=True)
- user = models.ForeignKey(User, models.CASCADE)
- project = models.ForeignKey(Project, models.CASCADE)
- created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
- kind = models.CharField(max_length=20, choices=CHANNEL_KINDS)
- value = models.TextField(blank=True)
- email_verified = models.BooleanField(default=False)
- checks = models.ManyToManyField(Check)
- def __str__(self):
- if self.name:
- return self.name
- if self.kind == "email":
- return "Email to %s" % self.value
- elif self.kind == "sms":
- return "SMS to %s" % self.sms_number
- elif self.kind == "slack":
- return "Slack %s" % self.slack_channel
- elif self.kind == "telegram":
- return "Telegram %s" % self.telegram_name
- return self.get_kind_display()
- def to_dict(self):
- return {
- "id": str(self.code),
- "name": self.name,
- "kind": self.kind
- }
- def assign_all_checks(self):
- checks = Check.objects.filter(user=self.user)
- self.checks.add(*checks)
- def make_token(self):
- seed = "%s%s" % (self.code, settings.SECRET_KEY)
- seed = seed.encode()
- return hashlib.sha1(seed).hexdigest()
- def send_verify_link(self):
- args = [self.code, self.make_token()]
- verify_link = reverse("hc-verify-email", args=args)
- verify_link = settings.SITE_ROOT + verify_link
- emails.verify_email(self.value, {"verify_link": verify_link})
- def get_unsub_link(self):
- args = [self.code, self.make_token()]
- verify_link = reverse("hc-unsubscribe-alerts", args=args)
- return settings.SITE_ROOT + verify_link
- @property
- def transport(self):
- if self.kind == "email":
- return transports.Email(self)
- elif self.kind == "webhook":
- return transports.Webhook(self)
- elif self.kind == "slack":
- return transports.Slack(self)
- elif self.kind == "hipchat":
- return transports.HipChat(self)
- elif self.kind == "pd":
- return transports.PagerDuty(self)
- elif self.kind == "pagertree":
- return transports.PagerTree(self)
- elif self.kind == "victorops":
- return transports.VictorOps(self)
- elif self.kind == "pushbullet":
- return transports.Pushbullet(self)
- elif self.kind == "po":
- return transports.Pushover(self)
- elif self.kind == "opsgenie":
- return transports.OpsGenie(self)
- elif self.kind == "discord":
- return transports.Discord(self)
- elif self.kind == "telegram":
- return transports.Telegram(self)
- elif self.kind == "sms":
- return transports.Sms(self)
- elif self.kind == "trello":
- return transports.Trello(self)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError("Unknown channel kind: %s" % self.kind)
- def notify(self, check):
- if self.transport.is_noop(check):
- return "no-op"
- n = Notification(owner=check, channel=self)
- n.check_status = check.status
- n.error = "Sending"
- n.save()
- if self.kind == "email":
- error = self.transport.notify(check, n.bounce_url()) or ""
- else:
- error = self.transport.notify(check) or ""
- n.error = error
- n.save()
- return error
- def icon_path(self):
- return 'img/integrations/%s.png' % self.kind
- @property
- def po_priority(self):
- assert self.kind == "po"
- parts = self.value.split("|")
- prio = int(parts[1])
- return PO_PRIORITIES[prio]
- @property
- def url_down(self):
- assert self.kind == "webhook"
- if not self.value.startswith("{"):
- parts = self.value.split("\n")
- return parts[0]
- doc = json.loads(self.value)
- return doc.get("url_down")
- @property
- def url_up(self):
- assert self.kind == "webhook"
- if not self.value.startswith("{"):
- parts = self.value.split("\n")
- return parts[1] if len(parts) > 1 else ""
- doc = json.loads(self.value)
- return doc.get("url_up")
- @property
- def post_data(self):
- assert self.kind == "webhook"
- if not self.value.startswith("{"):
- parts = self.value.split("\n")
- return parts[2] if len(parts) > 2 else ""
- doc = json.loads(self.value)
- return doc.get("post_data")
- @property
- def headers(self):
- assert self.kind == "webhook"
- if not self.value.startswith("{"):
- return {}
- doc = json.loads(self.value)
- return doc.get("headers", {})
- @property
- def slack_team(self):
- assert self.kind == "slack"
- if not self.value.startswith("{"):
- return None
- doc = json.loads(self.value)
- return doc["team_name"]
- @property
- def slack_channel(self):
- assert self.kind == "slack"
- if not self.value.startswith("{"):
- return None
- doc = json.loads(self.value)
- return doc["incoming_webhook"]["channel"]
- @property
- def slack_webhook_url(self):
- assert self.kind == "slack"
- if not self.value.startswith("{"):
- return self.value
- doc = json.loads(self.value)
- return doc["incoming_webhook"]["url"]
- @property
- def discord_webhook_url(self):
- assert self.kind == "discord"
- doc = json.loads(self.value)
- return doc["webhook"]["url"]
- @property
- def discord_webhook_id(self):
- assert self.kind == "discord"
- doc = json.loads(self.value)
- return doc["webhook"]["id"]
- @property
- def telegram_id(self):
- assert self.kind == "telegram"
- doc = json.loads(self.value)
- return doc.get("id")
- @property
- def telegram_type(self):
- assert self.kind == "telegram"
- doc = json.loads(self.value)
- return doc.get("type")
- @property
- def telegram_name(self):
- assert self.kind == "telegram"
- doc = json.loads(self.value)
- return doc.get("name")
- def refresh_hipchat_access_token(self):
- assert self.kind == "hipchat"
- if not self.value.startswith("{"):
- return # Don't have OAuth credentials
- doc = json.loads(self.value)
- if time.time() < doc.get("expires_at", 0):
- return # Current access token is still valid
- url = "https://api.hipchat.com/v2/oauth/token"
- auth = (doc["oauthId"], doc["oauthSecret"])
- r = requests.post(url, auth=auth, data={
- "grant_type": "client_credentials",
- "scope": "send_notification"
- })
- doc.update(r.json())
- doc["expires_at"] = int(time.time()) + doc["expires_in"] - 300
- self.value = json.dumps(doc)
- self.save()
- @property
- def hipchat_webhook_url(self):
- assert self.kind == "hipchat"
- if not self.value.startswith("{"):
- return self.value
- doc = json.loads(self.value)
- tmpl = "https://api.hipchat.com/v2/room/%s/notification?auth_token=%s"
- return tmpl % (doc["roomId"], doc.get("access_token"))
- @property
- def pd_service_key(self):
- assert self.kind == "pd"
- if not self.value.startswith("{"):
- return self.value
- doc = json.loads(self.value)
- return doc["service_key"]
- @property
- def pd_account(self):
- assert self.kind == "pd"
- if self.value.startswith("{"):
- doc = json.loads(self.value)
- return doc["account"]
- def latest_notification(self):
- return Notification.objects.filter(channel=self).latest()
- @property
- def sms_number(self):
- assert self.kind == "sms"
- if self.value.startswith("{"):
- doc = json.loads(self.value)
- return doc["value"]
- return self.value
- @property
- def sms_label(self):
- assert self.kind == "sms"
- if self.value.startswith("{"):
- doc = json.loads(self.value)
- return doc["label"]
- @property
- def trello_token(self):
- assert self.kind == "trello"
- if self.value.startswith("{"):
- doc = json.loads(self.value)
- return doc["token"]
- @property
- def trello_board_list(self):
- assert self.kind == "trello"
- if self.value.startswith("{"):
- doc = json.loads(self.value)
- return doc["board_name"], doc["list_name"]
- @property
- def trello_list_id(self):
- assert self.kind == "trello"
- if self.value.startswith("{"):
- doc = json.loads(self.value)
- return doc["list_id"]
- class Notification(models.Model):
- class Meta:
- get_latest_by = "created"
- code = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, null=True, editable=False)
- owner = models.ForeignKey(Check, models.CASCADE)
- check_status = models.CharField(max_length=6)
- channel = models.ForeignKey(Channel, models.CASCADE)
- created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
- error = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=True)
- def bounce_url(self):
- return settings.SITE_ROOT + reverse("hc-api-bounce", args=[self.code])
- class Flip(models.Model):
- owner = models.ForeignKey(Check, models.CASCADE)
- created = models.DateTimeField()
- processed = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True, db_index=True)
- old_status = models.CharField(max_length=8, choices=STATUSES)
- new_status = models.CharField(max_length=8, choices=STATUSES)
- def send_alerts(self):
- if self.new_status == "up" and self.old_status in ("new", "paused"):
- # Don't send alerts on new->up and paused->up transitions
- return []
- if self.new_status not in ("up", "down"):
- raise NotImplementedError("Unexpected status: %s" % self.status)
- errors = []
- for channel in self.owner.channel_set.all():
- error = channel.notify(self.owner)
- if error not in ("", "no-op"):
- errors.append((channel, error))
- return errors